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I find many complaints here from baseball players folks that feel the full scholarships given to football players is unfair.

Ever wonder WHY football has full scholarships? Besides revenue from football, you will often find many many players on football rosters that play other sports. Example, a place kicker also letters in sokker. The player is a counter on the football team. Football helps support other sports within the athletic program. If you look at football rosters more than half the players have been redshirted at one time or another, why, high injury factor, many injuries in a season, they have to work extremely hard at making sure their younger players remain healthy before they make an impact to the team, often junior or senior year. I also understand it often takes a while to learn the coaches system regardless of their skill level. There is a tremendous amount of time spent on this, meetings, classes for special teams. All that and going to class for 15-18 hours a week. Why wouldn't you give a football player a full scholarship?
Sometimes things seem unfair, but if you really understand what's going on, not compare sports within an athletic program, some might understand.

If you are looking for a full scholarship for your baseball player, there are options. As discussed in other threads, play more than one sport in HS and excel in both. College baseball coaches are more than happy to find a player who can play baseball for his program and have someone else pay for that scholarship. It doesn't happen often, but it happens.

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I don't really think that people are actually complaining about how much a football player gets. What I actually think, for the most part, is that people are complaining about how little baseball gets as a program. Yes there is more football players, and yes football brings in more revenue. Thats all understandable. But 11.7 schollys for a full baseball team? Its just wrong. Not footballs fault, but the fault of the NCAA. Just my opinion.
I'll probably get slapped silly for this but my money says football generates more than the 8 times the revenue than baseball generates at most schools and baseball gets 1/8 less schollys. Fair? all depends on how you look at the big picture.

Look at a big corporation that has multiple subsidiaries, who gets the advertising dollars, who gets the rd dollars, who gets the top work force? Its the one who generates the biggest profit.

I'll venture that few college parents, fans, or alumni donate significant "gifts" to the baseball program in comparison to football.

Why compare apples to oranges because when it all shakes out in 4 years the baseball player was at a school where he got an education at a reduced cost over the average student, and probably had the time of his life along with it. We shouldn't complain with what we don't have, rather cherish what we do.
Last edited by rz1
tpm quote:
Ever wonder WHY football has full scholarships? Besides revenue from football, you will often find many many players on football rosters that play other sports.

"many, many" means a lot to me and I don't think that is near reality. If anything football players second sport is track which is for the most part an individual sport where the event (sprints) are a big part of the off season conditioning program and where the player is actually under the tutalege of a sprint coach for his football career. we need to say more?
Last edited by rz1
I am interested in this thread as my son is an '09 who plays both football and baseball. The NCAA insists on including football when counting scollys for Title IX compliance, and I have often wondered why they don't exempt football from the equation, since women's sports doesn't have an equivalent. Has anyone ever heard their reasoning?
Originally posted by itsinthegame:
Agree with Rz1 - it is reality.

We might as well enjoy what little we have - and stop bemoaning the stuff we dont have.

I am so glad everyone does not think the way you do, because if they did we would not have anything. Grow some man and start standing up for what is right and what is wrong, don't just go with flow. That is why NCAA is the way they are, they think everyone will just deal with it. We don't want our kids to go into life thinking that way, "just be happy with what you got", what kind of initiative is that?
Originally posted by Wildcatman:
Originally posted by itsinthegame:
Agree with Rz1 - it is reality.

We might as well enjoy what little we have - and stop bemoaning the stuff we dont have.

I am so glad everyone does not think the way you do, because if they did we would not have anything. Grow some man and start standing up for what is right and what is wrong, don't just go with flow. That is why NCAA is the way they are, they think everyone will just deal with it. We don't want our kids to go into life thinking that way, "just be happy with what you got", what kind of initiative is that?

Wow, I am thinkin' same lines as rz and I have none to grow. Roll Eyes

What's your experience with the NCAA?

BTW, if the school wouldn't buy what you needed, go out and raise the money for it, don't blame it on the girls.
It cost us a small fortune to build out batting cages, fully aware that the girls softball team was allowed to use it, we never asked for a dime to help raise funds.
Originally posted by Wildcatman:
Originally posted by TPM:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Wildcatman:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by itsinthegame:

Wow, I am thinkin' same lines as rz and I have none to grow. Roll Eyes

You answered the question for me.

You want to run that by me again? Why don't you just answer the question?
wildcatman quote:
I am so glad everyone does not think the way you do, because if they did we would not have anything. Grow some man and start standing up for what is right and what is wrong, don't just go with flow.

This is where you miss the point. The battle is not yours, not mine, or any fans. The battle is with the NCAA and their minions, those being the member schools. Your complaints are hot air heard by only yourself. When battling any cause you need to look at the big picture. Email schools and let them know that you are willing to be their messager of injustice. However don't sit by your computer waiting for a reply because if they want it fixed they will do it on their terms and their timetable, not yours, because it is not your war. Maybe your attitude should be directed at the member schools for being spineless and without an aggressive plan. IMHO
Last edited by rz1
Baseball's lack of funding has nothing to do with football (who said it does?) and everything to do with Title IX. Article in BA discussing the reasons behind why Wis., Syracuse, Colorado and Iowa St. still don't have baseball, back this fact up.

Interestingly, the PC crowd may get their Pres. this fall and let's see what happens to the NCAA push to improve academic standards in football and basketball then. You already hear Jim Boheim (Syracuse) saying basketball should be exempt from any changes because they recruit the less advantaged members of society. Baseball was intended to lead the push for improved standards and may end up being the only sport affected.
Baseball's lack of funding has nothing to do with football (who said it does?) and everything to do with Title IX. Article in BA discussing the reasons behind why Wis., Syracuse, Colorado and Iowa St. still don't have baseball, back this fact up.

I disagree! Baseball's lack of funding has a lot to do with football. Title IX has to do with gender equity and since football and basketball are the sacred cows that will NOT BE SACRIFICED, forces the other male dominated sports to make all the sacrifices. Some male sports are totally eliminated while women sports are created JUST for the NCAA number's game. Colleges with extra money simply "create" female sports and give full rides to those female athletes that may not be athletes at all ---- while the scholarships to the wrestler and the baseball players are sacrificed.
Governing bodies like the NCAA cannot force equality. Equality is perception and is something that cannot be given ---- it has to be earned. Oh, so you think it's about oportunity? Girls softball has more opportunity to be more important than baseball with the implementation of title IX but will NEVER come close to the status of baseball. If female sports were as important to the world then the world woul seek them out ---- instead of having them "created" and forced on society. It sounds good but all people (this includes men and women) are not created equal. We're all different and I happen to like it that way.
But it's not really that.

It's really girls crew = boys baseball.

Fungo pretty much nailed it, title IX is the equivilant of what bussing did for integrating schools. Forcing something downs someones throat, does not form the basis for equality.

RZ nailed it too. Talk to the AD and president at your son/daughters university. The NCAA won't hear from parents, their emails and letters are never even read.
Originally posted by rz1:
wildcatman quote:
I am so glad everyone does not think the way you do, because if they did we would not have anything. Grow some man and start standing up for what is right and what is wrong, don't just go with flow.

This is where you miss the point. The battle is not yours, not mine, or any fans. The battle is with the NCAA and their minions, those being the member schools. Your complaints are hot air heard by only yourself. When battling any cause you need to look at the big picture. Email schools and let them know that you are willing to be their messager of injustice. However don't sit by your computer waiting for a reply because if they want it fixed they will do it on their terms and their timetable, not yours, because it is not your war. Maybe your attitude should be directed at the member schools for being spineless and without an aggressive plan. IMHO

Now that's what I talking about. Great Post. I know we all get frustrated because the NCAA is so narrowminded, but, the last thing we need to do is stop moaning about it. New people get on this website everyday to find advice on things and it is posts like this one that give them direction and not just tell them to "stop moaning & be happy with what you got". If everyone keeps moaning and the numbers get bigger of people moaning eventually someone will get tired of it and maybe do something about it. Keep up the great work on spreading the word on how to deal with the idiotic NCAA.

I'm guilty of talking out of both sides because I am the one that said "cherish what you have" and a couple posts later I said "go raggin to the school level". In our case, in both mine and my sons opinion is the NCAA provided him and his school the opportunity to showcase his skills. An unlevel doubt..... but it was the best deal in town. Now he's done, I have no dog in the fight, and I go back to arm chair quarterback in college sports and continue my fights with local government, cable companies, isp providers, and the Big10 Network to name a few. This is why nothing will get done at the grassroot level, we have a short time of involvement in a long term game, we soon lose interest, and the next group comes in starting all over. A person should pick his battles where his word can be heard and he is faithful to the cause until the bitter end. If that battle happens to be the NCAA, go for it, but don't waste your time chopin at that big NCAA tree, go for the branches and hope the tree is affected as a result.

Is there issues....Yes........Am I running away from them.........maybe, but I would rather think of it as picking and giving 100% to the battles that directly affect my family. I'm very selfish that way. When I said just accept it and don't betch about it I meant that if you can't support the cause, accept what you have, and dont whine about it.
Last edited by rz1

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