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new to the website and have learned alot and enjoyed reading the forums. my son needs some work on his footwork at ss. he is 13 and is a big 6 ft kid with size 13 feet. he moves well for his size and has great hands, but has relied on a strong arm to get the ball across the infield. so we're looking for help with the feet just before and right after getting to the ball since he will move to 60/90 next Aug.

he also wants to go to an overnight summer camp. was wondering if anyone has experience with a middle school aged summer camp in VA. he would prefer UVA but I'm writing the check and want to make sure we will be getting our money's worth.

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You may want to post your camp question under the "camps" section.

When he was younger, Keewartson went to the overnight camp at the University of Richmond and liked it. I think they may offer two different sessions during the summer. Also, check this site (it is updated often) for what schools are offering:

I had looked into the Clemson camp and have heard good things about the James Madison Univ. camp but son has not attended either.
depending on where you live - Ron Maurer at RBA South is the best guy I know for teaching infield technique. Ron was a UNC player who also played 10 years with the Dodgers organization as a SS.

Full disclosure - Ron is my business partner at RBA but we certainly aren't in need of drumming up business. Just an honest assessment of the guy I encourage everyone to see if they want to take their infield game to the highest level.

He holds his Fielding classes on Sunday nights from 4-5:30 for 13-15 year olds beginning the first sunday in December. You need to sign up for the 10 week program ahead of schedule and last I saw he had 3 or 4 spots left in the class.
I'll expand a bit. I feel that a middle infielder needs to be a natural athlete. Taking a kid to a camp where they learn some drills is great but it also means that its something that your son then has to think about. How do I move my feet to do this, how do I move them to do that? Not the same as an athlete whose brain simply says to go to a spot and make a play and his body just does it. Training in a martial art such as Tae Kwon Do helps to develop the body control that makes movement around the infield just a natural event. Not the same as just learning the mechanical foot movements. Not saying that that piece isn't important but I would bet most coaches would rather have the athlete...
Camps are great, but lessons are the best for infielders. We have some great Infield coaches that can help your son with his footwork. We are offering special deals over the winter for these coaches below.

*Scott Sizemore- Current Major Leaguer A's Infielder
*Matt Moses- Former 1st Round Draft Pic- Twins
*Davis Stoneburner- Current AAA SS- Texas

All 3 coaches either train or played for RBAWEST. See below some good cone drills and other infield drills below for footwork and fast hands!!

Footwork Videos
Resistance Bands footwork drills-

Ball in glove cone drills-

Quick hands-
Thanks for the help. Will definitely check this stuff out. Already doing some pitching and hitting lessons so will have to do a little budget analysis I guess.

Didn't realize there was a camp forum. The footwork and camp are 2 seperate things...he wants to go be on a college campus for a week and get away from me. U of R would not be too bad of a drive.

Thanks again for the help

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