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He pretty much has always looked at the glass as half full. When they gave him the diagnosis - he asked, "Am I going to die?" when told the answer was most definitely "NO" his next question was "Will we get home in time for my game tonight?"

A pilonidal cyst formed on his butt in the fall - it became abcessed and they had to sew in a drain. The day they sewed it in, he had a JV football game - first series, naturally he gets dumped by a guy listed as 275#. Of course you know where he landed -- a la' Forrest Gump - "Directly on the buttocks". he played the whole season with that drain, and a couple times had to explain the basketball-sized blood stain on his skivvies. He's lucky his teammates are pretty good about it - they rag on him just like anyone else that does something embarrassing. He gives as good as he gets - all part of being a kid.

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