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TRhit...You are right. MLB not only sponsors the RBI championship rounds, but it is responsible for the entire Reviving Baseball in Innercities (RBI) program. My son has played in the championship rounds twice, both times at the Braves Spring Training Facility at Disney World in Florida. It's a great program. Good of you to bring attention to it, TRhit.
You know, I really don't know much about the RBI program...other than what it is. And there's a really great kid on my son's college team who played in that program. Certainly a good and noble effort.

But is MLB putting the same resources into inner city baseball as they are into the Dominican? Other off-the-mainland developmental programs? Couldn't they help build more/improve more inner city fields/facilities?

I don't know the answer to that...but I suspect they are not making the same investment.
Last edited by justbaseball
But is MLB putting the same resources into inner city baseball as they are into the Dominican?

justbb, very interesting and timely question.
I am attaching an article on a multi million dollar facility the Padres are developing in the Dominican and some of the reasons for it. This gives some awfully good hints at answering your question.

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