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Forums - what are they good for?

The bumper sticker goes: "*orn - driving the Internet since 1986." While there's no denying pornography's long-standing reign over the Net, the runner-up to the throne would have to be the mighty forum: messageboards and all those virtual common rooms where people can gather and communicate. Forums often cop a bit of a beating, mostly for harbouring people who have not yet mastered the art of acceptable social behaviour, and there's a lot of merit to this belief, although it's not all bad...

It's often been said (mostly by n00bs that have been flamed for not adhering to posting guidelines), that Internet communities are the refuge of the lonely, bored and socially retarded. Because users' true identities are protected by the anonymity of the Web, they aren't judged on physicality, hence it becoming a sanctuary for those who don't fit society's perception of physical attractiveness. While existing in a virtual world where looks are redundant obviously has its benefits, there are plenty of downsides, which are unfortunately made worse by the lower echelons of Net users.

While it would be nice to place the blame for Net nastiness firmly in the lap of one particular type of people, the Web is your ultimate social leveller and it seems that (with the exception of a few world-class trolls who fall into the sub-human category) everyone is equally susceptible to being a part of one of these lower echelons. Even the most tolerant person will deride another if pushed far enough. Because Net communities are formed by like-minded people coming together to talk like-minded things, messageboards can quickly become cliquey. Each clique sets up its own rules (see: 'guidelines on posting') re-inforcing norms designed to include members (and exclude newbies), which can foster an environment where anything less than extreme conformity results in rejection. This doesn't exactly breed the sort of environment where people feel safe to post their views, something most forums ironically pride themselves on providing. Established forums are most unforgiving when it comes to newbs and even long-time members can face the wrath of the board if they oppose the dominant way of thinking for too long.

In the real world, in face-to-face, non-anonymous human interaction there's such a thing as accountability. There's no 'hiding behind a keyboard' or changing your avatar and user name when you insult someone in the real world, which is why so many people use the Net (a non-consequential environment) to indulge themselves in normally consequential acts. Thus, one of the biggest benefits of the Internet also becomes its biggest detracting feature, with censorship at the core of the issue. (ie. How visible should moderators be/ should they have the power to delete post etc etc).

Despite the bitchery, Internet communities are yet valuable resources, they link people together who may be separated by physical distance or circumstance on the common ground of shared interests and provide a relatively safe arena for open discussion. Forums are useful in providing ongoing discourse about topics that may not be easily broached in the real world, and this value is strengthened by the accessibility of information on the Net at large.

So, to answer the question, forums do perform valuable functions - both real and virtual. While there's not a lot of worth to a forum that's full of unchecked criticism and self-indulgent whining, there is a place for open-ended discussion, and the airing of issues to stimulate debate. So newbies, don't be scared of posting, go forth and forum. And, if you can't find a forum you can relate to, don't despair - there'll always be *orn.
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I think you and I are on the same humor page most of the time......a bit "corny" at times, guess we have to be with all the "Husky" men we are posting with on these boards....thank goodness I am no longer being blamed for "stalking" train these days..... Big Grin

Have a great school year.......I am anxious for Fall Ball, Labor Day couldn't come sooooooon enough!!!! Got to embrace each of these "lasts" this year.......We are in the last year of HS baseball and you are just in your 2nd,,,, you know I envy you... ENJOY IT,,,,,,,
Last edited by oldbat-never
Regarding sports forums (I'd love to join in the puns but I can't "ketchup" Wink) ......

I know I have said it before but this thread reminds me that although we may appear to be over-the-top baseball fans, players, parents, and least we are not as bad as the folks on (our local competitive sokker forum)....I noticed a thread on there this week titled "Top 01's" . I had to stop and think about it.....they are debating who are the top 5 year old teams and players! I think some of the sokker folks are more "lonely, bored and socially retarded" than we are. Wink
Last edited by cheapseats, huh?

Maybe one of us should go to their web site, create an anonymous name, pretend to be someone we're not, hurl insults at kids, parents, coaches and teams and generally create animosity by stirring the pot so that we can sit back and enjoy the chaos? Then when other posters get fed up we could create more fake posters to support the ravings of the first fake poster and call them 'My Supporters'. It could all be done in the name of TELLING THE TRUTH!

Naaaaahh, sounds too over the top.
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
Originally posted by DBAT GM:, huh?

Maybe one of us should go to their web site, create an anonymous name, pretend to be someone we're not, hurl insults at kids, parents, coaches and teams and generally create animosity by stirring the pot so that we can sit back and enjoy the chaos? Then when other posters get fed up we could create more fake posters to support the ravings of the first fake poster and call them 'My Supporters'. It could all be done in the name of TELLING THE TRUTH!

Naaaaahh, sounds too over the top.

Wow,,,,,,,,,,,what a novel idea.........can we take a vote on who we would want to send over to be our spy?????? Are we sure it won't be considered guest playing/posting????

Heck, I ready to cast the first vote I think I might know of some experienced/qualified HSBB candidates to do this for us... Wink Of course then it might become more like survivor "voting someone off the island"....
Last edited by oldbat-never

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