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I saw this article this morning, and wanted to share.  Francona will always have a place in my mind as being one of the best managers to put on the uniform and I really hope he is a first ballot HOFer.  It should be a no brainer, but we all know the HOF is not exactly in-sync with modern baseball and modern times.

I find it really interesting that I really haven't had a favorite MLB ballplayer for a long long time.  But for some reason, I found Francona to be my favorite manager when he was with the Red Sox and Cleveland.  I never stopped following him when he was in Cleveland and read lots of articles about him.  No, this wasn't a man-crush...I think?   The guy can just flat out manage people and situations like nobody else.   I'm going to miss him even if he isn't my teams manager anymore.  Anyway, enough of my blubbering.  Here's the article.

"I'm not a Republican or a Democrat.  I'm a member of the Cocktail Party." - Anonymous

Last edited by fenwaysouth
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Totally agree.  As a Red Sox fan, he was a perfect fit for both the team and the fanbase.  My appreciation for him extends beyond the dugout.  My youngest son was in Children's Hospital for a bit while Francona was still managing the Red Sox.  On Christmas Eve when you want to be anywhere but Children's Hospital, there comes Terry Francona walking down the hall stopping in each room to talk with children and their family.  No media, just Terry.  I will always be a fan.

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