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Frank Phillips Coach Guy Simmons is looking to sign 5-6 players for his upcoming Spring season. To be able to see players from the Dallas area he has arrainged for a tryout to be held at Dallasbat (DBAT) in Addison Texas on Friday December 30th. There is no charge to tryout and the only requirements are that you must be a junior or senior in HS and you must have played varsity for your HS this past season. If you are interested in trying out please RSVP to with a short BIO on yourself. This tryout is limited to 6 additional players so make sure you get a return email invite before you come. Please note the following schedule below;

Frank Phillips College Tryout

Friday Dec 30th

Pitchers @ 11:00am

Hitters/Pos Players @ 12:00pm

Held at Dallas Baseball Academy of Texas (DBAT)
4131 Lindbergh Drive
Addison,TX 75001

Kyle Griffis
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