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We don't send our 110 degree summer temps up to you guys, please close your freezer door.  Already had 2 scrimmages cancelled.  and they are predicting 6-12 inches of snow Sunday night - Monday.

“I don’t scratch my head unless it itches and I don’t dance unless I hear some music. I will not be intimidated. That’s just the way it is.”


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@Good Knight posted:

I don't want to hear your problems! For the last 3 weeks it has first rained, then froze, then snowed. My snowblower will no longer throw over the drifts and it is 5 below zero.

Scrimmage cancelled? I could sleep outside if it were 36 degrees.

LOL! I remember suffering through -25 F weather in Denver over 30 years ago.  When temperature got up to freezing (32 F) it felt like a summer heat wave.  

I was once in Thunder Bay Ontario for a week on business in February. We landed in a three foot snow storm. I asked if anything would be open the next day. The answer: Why not?

The next night I discovered where F and C meet (-44). With the windchill it was -80 F. At about 11pm I decided to walk across the hotel parking lot to Hortons for a coffee and donut snack. I got about fifty feet out the door and ran back.

I drove the car across the parking lot and kept it running while I was in Hortons for an hour. The car was still cold when I came out.

It’s usually clear and sunny after a storm. The next three days was -15 and sunny. With no wind it seemed warm.

Last edited by RJM
@RJM posted:
The car was still cold when I came out.

It’s usually clear and sunny after a storm. The next three days was -15 and sunny. With no wind it seemed warm.

During the same cold sub zero spell in Denver, I had to change my morning routine.   Instead of fixing breakfast and then starting the car and heading to work, I would go out, start the car and go back inside to eat breakfast.   You prayed the car would start on the first try as a 2nd try was probably not going to succeed.  Despite letting the car run for 20-30 minutes, it was always cold though it was slightly warmer than the ambient -35 F temperature.

You know it's cold when the moisture from your breath freezes on your mustache or upper lip.

@FoxDad posted:

During the same cold sub zero spell in Denver, I had to change my morning routine.   Instead of fixing breakfast and then starting the car and heading to work, I would go out, start the car and go back inside to eat breakfast.   You prayed the car would start on the first try as a 2nd try was probably not going to succeed.  Despite letting the car run for 20-30 minutes, it was always cold though it was slightly warmer than the ambient -35 F temperature.

You know it's cold when the moisture from your breath freezes on your mustache or upper lip.

Another version is having a ski lodge rental at Sugarloaf (Kingfield ME) with -80 windchill. We were checked for frostbite in line at the chair. Every time we came down we went in the lodge for a shot. The thing is alcohol doesn’t make you warm. It makes you oblivious to the cold.

Needless to say there weren’t lift lines that day. With a vertical drop of almost 3,000 feet we figured five runs and five shots was enough. I’ve never been a fan of skiing buzzed.

I'll take 20" of snow over 0.25" of ice any time.   At least you can "see" the snow.

It took me over 4 hours to travel about 55 miles in an ice storm (commuting home from work) many years ago.  About ended up in the ditch about 10 times, but was fortunate not to.

Nobody is truly prepared for ice.   Snow, yes.  Ice, no.

@baseballhs posted:

We are not equipped for this in Texas.  All flights cancelled.  Roads shut down and neighborhoods running out of propane. Roads too bad to refill it and more ice coming.  Gonna be a long couple days.

Took my son to his pitching coach early this morning and it was crazy to see all the people lined up at hardware stores and anywhere that had propane filling stations. There was even a line of cars lined up at a farm supply place that has a parking lot gate. That store never opened. Those people in those cars pretty much wasted their time away this morning.

Since all school activities are canceled until at least Wednesday, went to our showcase team's facility after pitching lessons to get some BP in. Pulled up and there was a sign on the door that the facility was closed until Wednesday. Doh! Looks like it is going to be tee work in a cold garage the next couple of days.

My wife's flight landed at 3:30pm at Hobby. Apparently that was the last wave of flights allowed to land. All other incoming flights were canceled.

Like you said, it is going to be a long couple of days. Stay safe everyone.

Stay safe everyone.

When I was growing up in NC, they closed the whole city even for freezing rain, because they had almost no equipment to deal with the roads.  I didn't drive on ice or snow until I was 27.  I remember taking the driver's test at 16, there was a question about what you do if you start to skid on ice - I had no idea what "steer in the direction of the skid" even meant.

Stay safe everyone.

When I was growing up in NC, they closed the whole city even for freezing rain, because they had almost no equipment to deal with the roads.  I didn't drive on ice or snow until I was 27.  I remember taking the driver's test at 16, there was a question about what you do if you start to skid on ice - I had no idea what "steer in the direction of the skid" even meant.

Geez! It was snowing when I took my license road test.

When I moved to Southern CA I did a 360 in the first rainstorm. I was lucky I didn’t collide with another car. Oil had accumulated on the road for months.

My youngest son used to make money driving kids around in NC during the snow (he was used to NH - so the 1-2" of snow was normal).  Still yes, the ice is the worst - I've seen 4 wheel drive trucks figure out the hard way that it only means all 4 wheels are going in the same direction... one guy was "flying past" me at maybe 20MPH hit the ice from where hiway on-ramp meets highway, spun 360, then decided he'd get in line with the rest of us crawling at 5-10MPH. That was a 30 mile and 4+ hour trip *pre* cell phone (I think most of us are old enough to remember those good old days ;-)).

Too soon or don't go there?  So much for global warming <sorry>

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