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I'm 13 years old and am going to be a freshman next year. I'm going to attend Parkview High, a known powerhouse in Georgia. The school had an upcoming freshman summer team that I failed to make. I know I didnt do my best and strive my hardest. It wasnt until after I got cut that I realized all the hard work needed to get better. Since then, I have been hitting in a cage and workin out regularely. Unfortunately I dont have anybody to throw with and therefore cannot long toss on a regular basis. I can, however get away and pitch at the park about once a week. Are there any suggestions that you can give me? Some of the kids on the summer team are pitching for summer varsity and I know next year they will be moved up. What are my chances? Thanks
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Welcome to the HS Baseball Web!

I don't think any coaches here can tell you what your chances are since they haven't seen you or the competition play. But we can all guess that you will have a better chance because of your hard work this summer!

Regarding the long toss, if you don't have a partner to play catch with, here's an alternative:

1. Find an empty ballfield.
2. Take a bucket of balls with you out to second base or whatever distance from the backstop would be your normal starting distance when throwing long toss.
3. Throw the balls toward the backstop as you normally would to a partner, gradually moving further out as you would in long toss.
4. When the bucket is empty, jog back in to the backstop with it and pick up the balls as quickly as possible, then head back out to the spot on the outfield you were throwing from.
5. Continue throwing and gradually moving further from the backstop.

Who knows, maybe one of the HS coaches will see you working hard by yourself and be impressed enough to take another look.

Good luck!

Julie is exactly right! All you can do is practice and practice and work hard while doing so. When I was younger I use to go to open fields to play ball and there were sometimes other guys playing there. I use to ask them if I could play with them and that was a very easy way to meet some great guys and learn a lot considering that they were usually older than me. Just do your best and keep your head high and you will be successful.

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