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When should he go to a PG underclass event.

6'3 1/2 165 2014 class

fastball 83ish
curve, change and cutter

plays on nationally ranked summer team at 17u but he's 15. yet to play his freshman year of high school ball.

getting a few letters and a few scouts have taken notice. is it too early? is the underclass event worth it?
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bacdor- If it's in your budget, go ahead and send your son to an event now. A 6'3" Frosh with a decent FB will receive a little love, and it won't hurt to get on the radar early. More than likely the majority of the kids participating will be 2012's and 2013's, but there will be a few 2014's at the showcase. Usually the Freshmen that attend are amongst the elite in their age group for that area. I waited until my son's Sophomore year, but then again he wasn't and still isn't 6'3"...good luck!
I have posted on here a few times about this boy.....from what we hear from high school coaches, summer coaches, college coaches and scouts he is projectable. Currently at 6'3 but should hit 6'5 or maybe 6'6 he still looks young and gangly. He has always thrown hard since he was 7 years old. Always had lessons, and always played up.

So we are excited to get going, but I'm wondering if it's worth right now. He is starting to get letters from D1 schools ( they think he is older due to playing with older kids in the summer) and a couple of bird dog scouts said that they would be watching him for the next 4 years. So I'm wondering if we go now what do we stand to gain over what we are getting on our own? He is pressuring me to attend one of these showcases because he wants to know where he lines up agains the best. Do you get on a scouting list or something?
He is pressuring me to attend one of these showcases because he wants to know where he lines up agains the best.

Smart kid. That is precisely the reason that you should go, and that knowledge is exactly what you will gain that you're not getting on your own.

Still, like others have said, there's no need to rush it. After the sophomore season would be reasonable.
Last edited by 2Bmom
If his arm is in shape and he wants to go, and more importantly, you can afford to send him...then sign him up and allow him to showcase. If you haven't done so already, I'd suggest logging into the PG website and checking out the underclass events from the past. Check out the individual players and their rankings/scouting reports. As your son said, this will be a good way for him to see how he lines up with others. If you can't swing it this year, no worries...he has plenty of time.
Last edited by bsbl247
Bacdorslider -

PG in 2010 put on an Atlantic Coast Underclass showcase in early august. It took place in Virginia so that is likely the closest one to you.

If you follow this link it should take you to the player profile page for the individuals that took part in that showcase. It is free to get this information for all the showcases once it is posted on the site. Just click on the players name and it will show you some of their information. Obviously the 2013's were last year's freshman so you'd be comparing them to your son etc. Hope this helps.

player profiles
Thanks, I checked out both the '10 and '11 underclass showcase results for 2014 grads. He would be near the top of the freshman that attended these events. 6'4 FB@83 ......I guess I will have to bite the bullet and send him to get a true number....Honestly this is boy #2 I have boy #1 a 2013 grad at 6'3 160 locates very well sits at or around 80-81......needs to get his velo up a bit. But carries a 3.90 GPA.....thinking of taking him to the academic showcase.

thanks, for all your help.....this board is great.
Originally posted by bacdorslider:
Honestly this is boy #2 I have boy #1 a 2013 grad at 6'3 160 locates very well sits at or around 80-81......needs to get his velo up a bit. But carries a 3.90 GPA.....thinking of taking him to the academic showcase.

Think of taking son #1 to Headfirst or GPA showcases. Probably better bang for your buck. Headfirst will have lots of top academic D1 and D3 schools. If the GPA schools are ones he is interested in that may work too. JMHO.
Last edited by birdman14
Originally posted by bacdorslider:
I have posted on here a few times about this boy.....from what we hear from high school coaches, summer coaches, college coaches and scouts he is projectable. Currently at 6'3 but should hit 6'5 or maybe 6'6 he still looks young and gangly. He has always thrown hard since he was 7 years old. Always had lessons, and always played up.

So we are excited to get going, but I'm wondering if it's worth right now. He is starting to get letters from D1 schools ( they think he is older due to playing with older kids in the summer) and a couple of bird dog scouts said that they would be watching him for the next 4 years. So I'm wondering if we go now what do we stand to gain over what we are getting on our own? He is pressuring me to attend one of these showcases because he wants to know where he lines up agains the best. Do you get on a scouting list or something?

IMO, there is absolutely no reason why one should do something they don't have to...yet. There is no reason why a freshman, not having yet pitched any HS innings needs to showcase. Let your son get in a year at least of HS ball. If people are telling you that he is projectible, and with his physical stats, and he plays up and does well, what are you worried about?

What I would worry about is the amount of time that your hard throwing player will be pitching, especially when he doesn't have to.

This is what happens, everyone gets so excited too soon, too early, they over do it, showcases in fall, winter, intense summer ball, by the time senior year comes, many are hurt. This doesn't just apply to pitchers either.

There are some people who will tell you to go and spend money you don't have to yet for various reasons, understand that it only takes ONE showcase to get the results that you are looking for (whatever that is to you). There is no need for your son to compare himself to others at this time.

He's pressuring YOU?
Yes he wants to go, his summer team mates are going and he wants to know where he stacks up, I wondering if its too early and if not what can be gained from going at this point. So I went out to find info and results to compare with him to show him where he would be. Then couple that with when the colleges can contact you and let him see that the others are going now because they are older and they are jr's.........and that I will take him when he is a jr. BUT if some of you guys that have been through this before think that it would benifit him to go now then I would reassess my thinking .

thanks for the replies
I have an older boy that went as a Jr. Then again later. It worked out well because he had speed and a couple other tools. He didn't need as much exposure i thought. I have a 14yr old freshman that will be going to his first PG on the 15th to 17th in Ca. He has more power and size at 14 than he did at 14. I think the exposure is going to be very minor when it comes to colleges and scouts. But the experience and having him see who and what its all about will be great for him. Who knows, you never know when he will have a great BP or defense. Someone may be there to keep him on their radar for the next few years.With your sons size and anything in the 80's in freshman class is good. I say get him out there. Colleges are looking earlier and he may not do well in this showcase so you try again next year. If he does well here, wait a couple years and they will be in awe the next time he shows up. That's if he keeps at it and does well. Go for it. Have fun and enjoy the experiences!!!

What is the BEST thing that could come out of this showcasing experience? What is the WORST thing that could come out of this showcasing experience? Is it worth the money and important to you/son to do this at this time? Will he "shine" at this event? Will it help your son meet his baseball goals that he has set for himself? If so, do it. If not, there will be many showcases, camps, and combines down the road that he can participate in.

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