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Originally posted by BobbleheadDoll:

This was posted by another poster and it shows how little is given to BB players. Each sport has to report revenues and expenses for each sport. It dosen't take a genius to figure out how little money is availabls in BB.
This shows all the sports and over 2000 schools.

I've been curious about this site for a long time. Does that money really include athletic scholarships? It looks like it's really JUST operating expenses (travel, equipment, etc). I say this because I just looked up a school that says "Operating Expenses per Participant: $524" with the total for the team being $23,000-ish. I happen to know of a player who signed a LOI with them, and he's getting over $15,000. Find it IMPOSSIBLE to believe there's a mere 8 grand or less for the other 44 players. So, does anyone have more info on what those numbers really represent?
Here is how the Scholarship money is divided up between athletic and scholastic. If a player has an ACT of 28 or higher, or enters college with a GPA of 3.5 or higher, then, any academic aid can be added to the athletic aid without being counted against the athletic department. If the athelete falls below those standards, then any academic aid is taken from the athletic budget for the purposes of NCAA accounting.

I am going through this right now with my son, and Coach Dewey Kalmer at Bradley patiently walked me through the whole process. Currently my son is a 3.42 GPA and 25 ACT, but with his AP and Honors courses, will be over 3.5 for graduation. Duecedoc gave the best advice, don't let your son get off to a slow start, as mine did, it's a tough game of catchup after that, especially with class rank.
Ltech on a page there is a further confusing statement that the BB scholarship may be included in the operating expenses but I believe they have to be disclosed somewhere on that report. The coaches salaries are on a separate page. I got the impression the scholarship money had to be disclosed somewgere either separatly or as part of the operating expenses.
Last edited by BobbleheadDoll

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