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Fullerton State as you may know is one of the top programs in the country. It is truly a blue collar type of baseball program.

They get the pick of the litter of Southern Calif players and occasionally get a few Northern Calif players, with relatively easy admission standards of the CSU system and relatively low cost, compared to other four year school options for California residences.

In terms of the academic standards, it is a normal CSU education, you can put in what you want. Many of the top players who go to Fullerton State will get drafted and thus are not there for the education:

In terms of APR, they are fairly low:

Sport School State Multi-Year Rate Penalties
Baseball San Diego State University CA 918
Baseball University of the Pacific CA 925
Baseball University of California, Riverside CA 930
Baseball California State University, Fullerton CA 931
Baseball San Jose State University CA 931
Baseball University of California, Irvine CA 931
Baseball California State University, Northridge CA 933
Baseball St. Mary's College of California CA 941
Baseball University of San Diego CA 944
Baseball University of California, Santa Barbara CA 946
Baseball University of San Francisco CA 948
Baseball California State University, Sacramento CA 953
Baseball Santa Clara University CA 953
Baseball California Polytechnic State University CA 954
Baseball California State University, Fresno CA 955
Baseball University of California, Los Angeles CA 960
Baseball University of California, Berkeley CA 965
Baseball University of California, Davis CA 966
Baseball Loyola Marymount University CA 967
Baseball Pepperdine University CA 970
Baseball California State University, Bakersfield CA 976
Baseball Long Beach State University CA 984
Baseball Stanford University CA 985
Baseball University of Southern California CA 988
Last edited by Homerun04
Looks like there has been some major changes in coaching staff, with a little drama:

Coaching Changes

In baseball, Assistant Coach Greg Bergeron will take over as recruiting coordinator and volunteer Gregg Wallis has been made a full-time assistant coach. Former Assistant Coach Sergio Brown has been reassigned due to philosophical differences with Head Coach Dave Serrano, who stressed that it was not a performance issue nor were NCAA rules violated. Brown's new title will be director of corporate sales and community relations for the athletic department. Saarloos will be an undergraduate assistant while Pilittere will be a volunteer. Departing the program are facilities manager Brett Lindgren and undergraduate assistant Jake Silverman for assistant coaching positions at Santa Clara and UCLA, respectively.

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