Originally posted by deemax:
...based on personal experience?
I can backup that statement and say yes.
I don't want the thread to turn into a Creatine war, but (in my case) after an initial weight gain (of mostly water) and minor spike in strength (very minor and probably mostly due to the muscles being able to "leverage" the weight better)....I didn't see any real benefit of using this supplement.
It's a supplement....not the magic pill so many want it to be, and for me certainly not worth the extra money.
Most people would be better off sticking to basics:
Once you can say you are eating the best diet you can possibly manage. Lifting/training as hard as you possibly can, and getting the proper rest you need....all on A CONSISTANT BASIS.....then you can start looking into supplements that may give you a 2% edge (just a guess on that number).

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