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What different ways do you save memories of each game or tournament? We buy the tournament t-shirts, we keep home run balls, I love to buy the collectible baseballs with Disney, CWS, etc logos.

Recently, I thought about buying little lab vials and keeping a little infield dirt from each place we play.

Any other cool ideas?
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In HS we saved only the literature that was handed out at tournaments. And occasionally bought shirts. We didn't save much.

College, that's different. We save everything we can from every game, tickets, gameballs, newspaper articles, soda cups, signs, napkins with tiger logos, programs you name it. My husband has saved an empty can of miller lite someone gave him at the tailgate after the super regionals. Eek We buy tournament shirts as well and husband buys the caps. Omaha, don't ask, I was pretty conservative but husband went off the budget quite a bit.

Sitting with momentos includes rocks he collected "on the road to Omaha". My son collected dirt from Omaha, we have some in a vial and he took a jar back to school, to keep in his locker as a reminder. My husband is an artist by training so he makes "things" from what he has collected. It keeps him busy. Roll Eyes
Originally posted by theEH:
You might not want to carry dirt in your carry on they might confiscate it at the airport.

EH is exactly right about this...those airports with runway expansion projects, like Atlanta's Hartsfield, will without question confiscate your purloined infield dirt...and worse yet, they will make you march out to the perimeter and place it just so!
Son will collect a ball laying around with the conference logo on it.

Ditto. Wink

Son was going through a scrap book that the wife put together and couldn't believe she even kept stubs for stadium parking! Roll Eyes

Son has a Jason Jennings broken bat he took out of the trash can in the Rockies dugout when he pitched in the HS top 40 senior game at Coors. Eek
Last edited by FrankF
We collect vast and sundry item from baseball trips. In addition to the hats, "T" shirts, small baseball bats, mugs and cups, My wife has plants, lawn furniture, and a footstool from Cape Cod and a she brought home a Stella DeOra daylilly from Michigan and I have an antique outboard motor I picked up while we were in Alabama. Plus pictures --- LOTS of pictures.
Originally posted by Fungo:
... and I have an antique outboard motor I picked up while we were in Alabama.

OK, I only need 2 more "SEC Outboard Motors" to complete my set. Please tell me you picked up the Auburn Antique Outboard while you were in 'Bama. I'll make you a good offer for it. And you wouldn't believe how hard it is to find the Vandy Outboard.

Fungo, I think your readers would like a little more information on the motor.


Mike F
I guess it doesnt count as true mementos - but we have made the garage into a baseball themed party room.

We use the garage alot - almost like a rec room - because the weather is nice here most of the year.

Over the last couple years I have embedded baseballs (from my kids games - or pro games where we were given a ball) into the walls.

Nailed used bats on the wall. (One from Jeter.)

Catchers equipment, rosin bags, some chewing tobacco - helmets - gloves (1b-Pitcher - Catcher).

2 real nice photos of Ebbets field and Wrigley.

Hats from all the teams the boys (and I) have played on.

It looks pretty cool in there. Its a big garage - and the theme is BASEBALL.

When the guys come over to play cards - or just hang out - they all like it.

A pyscho - mini-tribute to the game.

And still growing.

Next up - baseball field on the garage floor - done by a good artist - then epoxied.

It is in the game.

I collect and restore 9 ½ Johnson and Evinrude outboards (mfg 1964-1973). I currently have 12. One of the things I do on my free time on baseball trips is go to marinas and ask around for old motors or parts. During one series I found an old 9 ½ and the man gave it to me and while most would see no connection to baseball I know what series and the exact room I was staying when I came into the motel with my “Alabama Outboard”. Sorry there are no Vandy Outboards available. Everyone associated with Vanderbilt thinks they can walk on water.
Last edited by Fungo

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