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You may have to keep clicking the refresh tab...

Other suggestions...Not sure if yours does, but many schools now have live video feed available.(it freezes as well but usually not at the same time)....try radio broadcasts...look at the website of the opponent, that often has more options....oh and put gametracker on a second window, sometimes that helps...betweeen all these things, even having to keep refreshing them, you can pretty well keep up...but it's a full time endeavor...two computers helps also...

Last edited by observer44
When staring at the screen waiting for a refresh, hit the "help" tab and window opens up and gives a technical excuse for general issues.

FWIW, I buy what they say. I work in the field and in this case GameTracker is working with data provided by the schools and how that data gets to them, and what shape it's in when they get it is beyond their control.

It's much like a tax return program, if the app does not like the data it receives it sends it back for corrections, and then it is re-sent, if it doesn't like it they send it back again. Before you know it "all's quiet".
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by Brickhouse:
Thanks everyone. doesn't even have a score yet. No score on Rivals. Both schools have no audio on their website. Game Tracker is frozen and my son is supposed to make his first college appearance.
Very frustrating!

Many times this happens if there is a weather delay. When weather delays action, there is often no indication of it anywhere, it just looks like everything is frozen.
This is the reason why I selfishly want my son to play within three hours of our home when, and if, he has the opportunity to play college ball. I find myself watching some of his older friends on gametracker and become impatient. I can imagine how agonizing it would be watching my own son and dealing with technology that's out of our hands!

BRICK: I hope you were able to get on the system, and good luck to your son!
Originally posted by Infield08:
I can imagine how agonizing it would be watching my own son and dealing with technology that's out of our hands!

Usually that's true, but yesterday I was quite happy to "watch" my son play in my warm home office while he played in 38-degree weather! Wink

I'd have to agree! Heck, my wife and I complain about watching baseball when the temp is down in the 50's...38 degrees and kicking back in the warm office must have been a little more comfortable! Big Grin
Originally posted by bsbl247:
This is the reason why I selfishly want my son to play within three hours of our home when, and if, he has the opportunity to play college ball. I find myself watching some of his older friends on gametracker and become impatient. I can imagine how agonizing it would be watching my own son and dealing with technology that's out of our hands!

BRICK: I hope you were able to get on the system, and good luck to your son!

You guys are lucky, you got the NEW version of gametracker.
You have to refresh it, often. Now they let you know how many balls and strikes, years ago they didn't have that. You just wondered what the heck was going on, live feed is better if you have it, use it.
Be happy for what you have cause the version we had at first was BAD!

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