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Don't get me wrong... I love baseball and I love watching my son play. However, I do wish Mother's Day was a little more sacred and we were allowed to spend it at home. Right now, we are debating about whether to go to a Junior Day at a major D1 school or spend Mother's Day with my mom! I, too, would like a little "waiting on" on Mother's Day. Wouldn't ya think they could have scheduled it another time?
Well, I have spent every Mother's Day for the last 11 years on a baseball field - the celebration always had to wait!
I would take my own Mom out to lunch the day before, she always understood! She left us three years ago, and now she gets a front row seat at the games.
Next year, when he is graduated and teaching somewhere, I will finally have the day free to do whatever I wish...probably have the kids take me to a game!!! clap
Yes, there have been Mother's Days at the baseball Little League year, in Lancaster, CA.... the LL Board scheduled our team for field/snack bar clean up....on Mother's Day! I was team mom....and showed up with a lot of flowers to give to the one seemed to mind being there...brooms and mops in hand....think for most of long as we are with our kids...Mother's Day can be anywhere....even elbow deep in grease..... scrubbing the fryer......
Last edited by LadyNmom
What a gift to be able to watch him play. There is nothing I'd rather be doing than watching one of my boys on a baseball field. We thought our weekend was going to be cancelled and I thought I was going to have to have a traditional family Mother's Day but fortunately we are rescheduled and all is a go. Really, there is no more special gift than our children and to be with them doing something they love is just a miracle. Happy Mother's Day to all and good luck with your games this weekend.
I have an only would be okay......I've sent him across the country to get a college education, and play ball.....holidays away are becoming he pursues his dreams and we support him.....and when they get older...think that is what they still need from their if it means they are away from you on special days.....

....many times wish I had another one at home.....but.....gotta admit.....more and more this empty nester thing is starting to grow on me... Big Grin
Originally posted by Beezer:
Another part of this.....would you mind if you stayed home with the other siblings while your son played out of town?

My husband was the athlete in his family. His mom and dad would travel cross country to see him play college ball. However, they couldn't make it to help one of their daughters when she had twins. His only brother resents to this day how much attention was paid to my husband during those days...

THAT SAID... we have bent over backwards to give both of our sons equal attention which many times translates into one of us (my husband included) staying at home during an important game/tournament with the other. We didn't want the non-BB son to grow up feeling like HIS youth was spent going to his brother's games!
Last edited by momandcpa
I think I've spent every Mother's Day since my son was probably 5-6 on the baseball field except his junior year of HS. That one we spent watching what would turn out to be his number pick for a college play baseball.

I've done this because I always try to support my kids in their ventures and passions. BUT if I was given the choice to do ANYTHING for Mother's Day, it would be to go to a baseball game.

Kids can still give mom their handmade cards, you can still take mom out to dinner (maybe the night before or night after), she can still get flowers, etc. Doesn't change anything special about the day in my mind!
Mother's day on the ballfield, you BET! Going up to see son and catch "first of the year for us" home game.
I have seen him one weekend since january, daughter is also coming, it will be the BEST mother's day!

Happy Mother's day to all, whether on or off the ballfield!
Last edited by TPM

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