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Whew! this is really a tough time of the year for me. Its still pre-season and I don’t recognize all of the players on the team yet, plus what makes it worse is, our team isn’t wearing numbers, so I don’t even have that to fall back on! And to make things even worse, no one bothers to give me any changes at all, so I have to watch like a hawk to make sure what’s goin’ on out there.

The good thing about this time of the years is, it gets me back in the saddle real quick! I get used to scoring again, plus I get used to entering data into my program and learning all over again how to verify and double check what I’m putting into it. So, next Monday is our official “opener”, and hopefully by making a little bit of effort now, everything will go smoothly then.

If anyone is curious, they can see what kind of numbers our guys and their opponents are puttin’ up this early in the season by goin’ to

Normally I’ll do fielding and do much more involved pitching stats, but since this stuff is all goin’ the way of file 13 soon, I didn’t want o take the time to do it.

For reference, our team is only in its 3rd year of existence, so we have no Seniors, Also, 3 of the 4 teams we played in scrimmages, were either league champs or co-champs last year, so although it looks like we stink, the competition we’re facing certainly makes a difference.
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