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Tim's a gem.

The Giant's still need some offense and defense to be able to win.

How many Dads could or would be able to talk to there son to fix there mechanic's.
If Tim did not start out like he did, would his dad be able to tweek his son as he does. Are would the Giants shut him out of the picture??
I'm sure now that his dad will always be able to make adjustment's for Tim.

One Dad that would be able to get away with it??

Certainly not me.

justbb, we were there too, with Jacob. Smile
Lincecum was electric. The last K with Connor Jackson said so much.
But, to Jackson's credit, you could tell he just knew....That breaking ball was paralyzing!!!
But the G's hitting/baserunning/attempted steal of home with the #4 guy at the plate...ugh, ugh, ugh!!!
Let's have some professional AB's. Runners at 3B and less that 2 outs and they cannot be patient and get a ball to the outfield...AZ plays the infield in in the 2nd and 3rd??? and they do nothing.
Boy, I loved Lincecum but I sort of had to hold my nose with the hitters.
Doug Davis for AZ can put you to sleep but all he did was put up 00000000, Darn nice pitching.
Fun day at the ball park.
Last edited by infielddad
I listened to some of that game and heard the electricity...until the 9th Frown Too many of the Gents are really struggling with the game right now.

On a similar note...

I got to see Stephen Strasburg pitch last night, and I had great seats- right behind the dish. Wow! What a competitor! He went the distance in a 1-0 game, and wouldn't come out despite very cold, wet conditions that made it tough to get even get loose. Nevertheless, with pinpoint control of his upper 90's FB he really featured his low 70's CB that kept hitters off balance. The way the ball flies at Isotopes Park, that off-speed strategy proved wise. I kept waiting for that third pitch, but he never took it out of the bag. Didn't need it. Strasburg left guys at third with 0 outs twice, and struck out the last two Lobos with the tying run at third.
The stadium gun was probably a little slow, but I did see 99, a couple 98's, and a bunch of 97's. Not bad for a cold night game in Albuquerque!

9.0 7 0 0 1 14 29 34 129
Last edited by spizzlepop

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