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I've heard a lot about these Perfect Game showcases, but I have a few questions concerning them.

Are they tournaments for entire teams to attend? Or do individual players go for more off a camp?

Are these showcases for only elite players?

What sorts of schools go to PG events? (ACC/SEC, mid/lower D1, D2, D3, Juco)

Do they really offer good exposure or are they just money-makers?

Thanks in advance
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There are PG events scheduled throughout the year in different parts of the country. These events are generally open (you must request an invite) but they target the baseball players looking to play at the next level -- collegiate or professional. PG is a for profit organization/business so yes, they absolutely look to make money. However, they provide a service that can add much value to the player and families that participate. If your son is 14-16 yrs old and has a goal to play college bb, PG is a great way to get the recruiting process started. They will profile him after watching him participate in a weekend showcase and this profile will stay with him throughout his HS career. The information will be available to coaches and scouts from schools and organizaitons all over the country.

Perfect Game offers several ways for you to test your skills against others and possibly get noticed, one is their series of "showcases" they test your running ability running the 60, fielding and BP hitting, and pitching skills if you are a pitcher. They usually have scrimmages where the pitchers pitch to a specific amount of players in a simulated game and your goal as a pitcher is to do the best you can for a set period of time. You enroll in the showcase as an individual; your goal is be the best you can be for whatever opportunity you get.

Perfect Game keeps a database of players and they publish a web page of you and your baseball bio, it includes a short note on your skills, they also rate you based on what their perception of your ability is. Behinds the scene they may have additional detailed notes available to coaches, scouts, subscribers, and their PG organization, for future reference. There is a group that video’s some of your skills and attaches it to your profile for others to review for a subscription.

Perfect Game also offers tournaments, where most players comes in as teams, there you are playing as a team and hopefully progressing as a team, individuals do get noticed but there is more of a balance of competition and showcasing. Some tournaments are qualifiers for larger tournaments where others may be considered National Championship events. Some events are put on as tournaments but for the most part are really competitive games but the ultimate winner is not the most important aspect of the event vs top players competing against other top players and coaches and scouts taking notes.

Perfect Game at some tournaments will put together teams for individuals who don't have teams at the event or may be able to help place you on a team, but for the most part, it is better to come on one.

The amount of coaches and scouts in attendance vary from event to event, some showcases may only have a few if any coaches and scouts; were some of their other events may have hundreds of coaches and scouts in attendance.

A strong point for Perfect Game is when you enter many of their tournaments and all of their showcases, detailed information is kept and published by Perfect Game on the players which can be accessed by coaches and scouts ( and as another trusted reference on a player where other showcase events may not have notes taken or published and if a coach or scout is not there, you have no exposure!

Hopefully that helps, you were crossing showcases with tournaments and they are slightly different.

Good Luck and enjoy the ride!

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