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George Ryan's pharmacy in Kankakee was right around the corner from my Grandmother's house. I remember going there as a child to get candy and Pepsi.

My oldest brother is an Illinois journalist that travelled to Cuba with Ryan back in the 90's and knew him well.

I think Ryan was just one of many corrupt Illinois politicians and now he probably will serve a life sentence. Blago will be next, but until they get Daley and his machine, the politics in my home state will forever be corrupt.
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And that is sad...really sad.

But we, the registered voters, each have a vote...a powerful vote.

We can start to clean things up by voting for Tony Peraica for Cook County Board President.

It really doesn't matter if he is Democrat or Republican...he is a true reformer...truly good for the County of Cook.

If you're "making it" by way of graft, corruption, nepotism, and patronage in Cook County, then, by all means, vote for the staus quo.

The rest of us, who shoulder the burden of this bloated and corrupt mess should not hesitate to vote for Tony...he's a good guy.

A vote for Tony and you'll be helping yourself and all of the others out there who can't afford to keep paying for poor performing, corrupt county government.

Let's shine the light of truth on this county government...let's keep all the good stuff that is working and toss all that isn't.

So KellerDad...hustle up some votes for Tony won't you?

I'll do my best on this end!
Last edited by gotwood4sale
I don't always agree with the Chicago Tribune's editorial board, but on the topic of Cook County governance they have been steadfastly in support of genuine reform...regardless of which side of the aisle that it emerges from.

Much good has come from the Cook County commissioners over the past few years. In a bi-partisan effort they have stymied the business as usual mentality that has seized and drained the county coffers over the last decades.

It just makes too much sense that the voters in Cook County, who have been paying attention over the last 30 or 40 years, should now step up with their powerful votes and elect someone such as Tony Peraica.

Business as honest, new approach?

It's simple.

And for all of you who may be wondering...I don't work for Tony's campaign.

I've been here for nearly 24 years and I've been observant...and what I've seen has not been good.

It's time for serious change...Democrats and Republicans both...rolling up their sleeves and getting to work on cleaning this intolerable, costly mess up.

It's unsustainable and pure folly to continue on as usual.

Would someone please bring me an extension's a long way down from up here on my soapbox!
Last edited by gotwood4sale

Well...since you live in 'corruption free' Will Co. in a suburb known as the Jewel of the Southern Suburbs I suppose you don't ever have to just 'bend over and take it' like us folks up in Cook Co.

Unlike you, I think the mood is ripe for some changes to occur...especially since good ol' George was sentenced to 6-1/2 years yesterday.

Corruption can be fought, and at times defeated...even in Cook Co.,IL!

My simple request to the registered voters of Cook Co. is this...ask yourself if you are benefitting from the graft and corruption that is entrenched in Cook Co. government. If the answer is yes, then I suppose you would continue to vote for and accept the corrupt status quo. If, on the otherhand, the answer is no, then you would be wise and money ahead to vote for a change that will make a difference. You gotta' believe that it can happen .

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