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Actually, according to the Atlanta paper, it was 17 players. According to what I read in the paper, Tech had discovered the problems, turned itself in to the NCAA, and self imposed probabion and cut some football scholarships. The NCAA went a lot further in doubling the probrabions and cutting more football scholarships, as well as forfeiting all football games played in 1998 - 2002 and 2004. That part is probably getting appealed. According to the paper there were a variety of causes for the problems, including a student changing majors and not filling out all the paperwork to make that change official. Overall it sounds like the athletic office was pretty darned sloppy in keeping track of the academic progress of it's athletes. An editorial in the paper is basically calling for the AD's head to roll, as an alumni I'm beginning to agree with that sentiment.

To make matters worse, the football program had recently sent a strong message by dropping a player who had been arrested. A local judge just ruled that the player must be reinstated because he hasn't had his trial yet. Looks like that will be getting appealed also.

On a positive note, it doesn't appear that the Tech baseball program was affected at all by any of this.
correct 17 athletes, and really over 7 seasons

as I said, it will be VERY tough on DB as GT gets hit with it's first ever NCAA sanction under his reign.
He's the boss & the department is under his control - sort of anyway

too bad he'll get the heat because in dealing with his compliance people several times, they were very professional, competent, and as knowlegeable as speaking directly to the NCAA personnel - in one case more knowlegeable

Last edited by Bee>

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