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I would like to pass some info to the baseball players in NH, Maine & Vermont. Recently, my son went through the rigors of College Recruiting. He is from NH and if your from the previous mentioned states and your in your junior year of high school and have any thoughts of moving on to play college ball, get busy NOW! Talk to your High school coach and ask about Tpx Top96, Any of the Perfect Game Events, TeamOne Baseball events are also good. It is already difficult for us in the far Northeast to be seen. So get busy getting to one or all of these Showcase's after your Junior year in High School. Trust me, if you are a legitiment College prospect and you get to these events, you will get responce's. My son recieved around 500 letters from about 100 different schools. He ended up signing with a Top DI school in the NEC Conference. IT WORKS! Blue Chip Prospects out of Long Island NY was also a very good showcase. Good Luck, and get seen!!!
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The name of the game is EXPOSURE, but in the right place and at the right time

I ask that nobody take this the wrong way as it is not a reflection on the events named above but
exposure for exposure sake does not always make it happen.

Know where you want to be and why you want to be there!!!
Last edited by TRhit
I agree w/ TR 100%! Don't just go to showcases just for the sake of going. It can cost 1000's of $$$$ and get you nothing.. I took my son to a showcase sponsered by a big name company and it got him nothing! Except $300.00 less in MY checking account. Choose your showcases carefully .. make sure college and even pro scouts are going to be there and make sure it's not just a money maker for the company. Getting letters from big name schools is great but if you can't qualify there then what is the sense.
If your ability is'nt good enough to play there .. why go sit the bench for 4 years? Parents can do an awlful lot to find the perfect fit just by researching the internet then getting in touch w/ the coachs from schools that might be interested or schools that your son is intrested in. Almost every college has a form on it's webpage for interested student althetes. Have your son e-mail them.. You will almost always get a response.
To whom it may concern,
The purpuse of the above message was not to imply that everyone should run to every event mentioned just to be seen. Maybe I should have made myself a little clearer. The point I was trying to make is that if you are from one of the three states that I mentioned, and you are a legitiment prospect, there's not not much out there in those states for our kids to be seen. So you need to talk to your coach and find where would be the best place for you. In regards to the money, we attened three total showcases at a cost of around 500.00 dollars. The reward of our efforts was much greater than the intial cost. I was once told by a wise man," You have spend money to make money ". Just so you know, I am a parent/coach and nothing more than someone that learned alot in the last to years and wanted to pass it along to someone who has a legitiment chance of making it, but might not know where to start.
Thanks for your responce.
Just wanted to metion or talk quickly about something that I did not talk about in my previous notes. I am sure you all know this already but I will state it anyways.

Your Grades in High School and the courses that you take due really matter to the schools that will look at you. The SAT's or ACT's are also something that they look at as well.

Just a reminder. (:

I can't agree with you more. We were very carefull to research the events that we attended. I have two kids in college already and for us money was a big issue. We also used the internet as you and it was a great help in the process.

The more tools made available to our students athletes hopefully makes the effort worth it.


That is absolutely correct. The main reason for my son selecting the school that he did, was that they had the exact program that he was looking for. Out of the five official visits that we took, two of them he would have to squezz in a extra year to finish his degree. The others were either two big or just not what he was looking for. My son relized that a mid-sized school was more his speed coming from country. Made him feel more at home!
just to add to the post,everyone looking to go play in college should get on the web site. it will let you know the classes you must take to play d1,d2 etc. this should be done early enough so you can take the required courses .i know to many very good baseball players who's dream of d1 fell short.not to say you can't still get there but as a nonqualifying player the road there is a long one.and there are some d2 d3 schools that are as good if not better than d1 ,or juniour college i don't remember the number but quite a few mlb players played there ,easier to get drafted if your that type of player.and they give kids a chance to get it together school wise . remember if you want to play college baseball there is a place for just about everybody.
it doesn't matter how good a player you are you still need to qualify. then stay there for 4 years, while trying to get your degree,playing ball,doing homework on the bus rides,jobs ,girl hats off to all the kids who manage to keep it all together. it's the best time of their life and they don't even know it.
just one mans opinion
Perfect game is pretty great. The big showcases are run the best. Perfect Game ID Showcases they tend to slack off a little bit so watch out for those. Coach Rhitman & College Select do a great job with thier showcases and fall team always at the great tournaments in different areas.

Also the summer team you play on is crucial. The coach and who he knows can make all the difference

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