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Tryouts for me are on March 24th. I've been hitting, throwing and practicing with the team all off season, but right now I noticed that I get winded pretty easily when running (especially sprints). I guess I'm a little out of shape and not in full baseball form. I was wondering if anyone had any info or suggestions on getting back in to shape quickly and making it so you don't get tired/ winded as easily. 


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RJM is correct no way to short cut getting back in shape.  My suggestion would be to start running now.  Start with a mile warm up and then follow it with some type of sprint work (intervals, ladder, etc) followed by warm down run.  Maybe a half mile or mile.  


We had our HS tryouts last week.  Thankfully my kid made the team.  Looking through twitter feeds afterwards I noticed one kid post "The season starts now".  My thought was the season started in October.  

Originally Posted by Coach Bob:

As I posted in another 2017 went out for the swim team to stay in shape and lo and behold he was really good at that too!  We'll see how it translates to early season baseball success!!

I was just getting ready to suggest swimming when I read your post.  


The best way to get into condition is something that is low impact, yet works the cardiovascular system. Swimming will do the trick and you can stay cool while doing it. As with anything else, don't try to be Mark Spitz in your first outing. Instead build up your stamina over several weeks until the muscles you are not accustom to using, strengthen to the point of no longer being sore after you increase your laps. Before you know it, you will getting a good workout with daily swims to supplement your running, and you will not be sucking wind like you are now.

If you cannot swim due to weather or lack of a decent sized pool, try an elliptical with both leg and upper body involvement. Again you will be working on your conditioning in a low impact manner.

Good Luck



Originally Posted by Soylent Green:

Since I'm NOT an athletic trainer and have no particular related expertise, take this for whatever it might be worth...


In general, I would look into sprints and other quick burst activities... much moreso than running distances or swimming. Run and hop the football bleachers... Run the bases... Explosive type movements.


It's sounds like you didn't really train in the off season.  With 12 days to go it's a bit late to get 4 months of training in.  However, there are a few things you can do.


1) start your baseball activities with a dynamic warmup.  This will get your body ready for activity.  Carioca, high knees, butt kicks, frankenstein walks, arm circles, walking lunges, ladder drills, etc will get your body going and dynamically stretch your body.  Many of these drill have a short sprint element added at the end of the movement (i.e. 10yrd sprint at the end of a 20yrd high knee movement).  A nice finish to this is a series of 30yrd sprints; 1st at 50%, 2nd at 75%, 3rd at 100%.


Now you're ready to throw, bat, take infield, outfield, etc.


2)Sprint and quickness exercises.  Google SAQ training.  Baseball is a series of explosive movements interspersed with periods of inactivity, it's not an aerobic activity. It's somewhat similar to football.  So look to interval training, running form training, assisted/resisted sprints, parachute drills, pushing weight sleds, etc.  These are useful for baseball and will help with your conditioning. 

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