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Right now, I'm an average high school senior outfielder looking to have a breakout year this year. Last year as a Junior I played well, but this year I'm trying to have a breakout season both offensively and defensively. Next year, I hope to walk on at a D3 program and hopefully play.

It is a dream of mine to get drafted in the MLB and as of right now I have absolutely no shot at it as I don't think Im good enough and I'm very small, I'm only 5'11'' and weigh 150. Is there any chance of after hopefully playing four years of college ball and building my body up, by working my butt off, that I could maybe get drafted?

Do current MLB players just have natural talent or did some get their through hard work and determination?
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I know I'm not the one who can really help you on this. Just speaking as a mom of a younger ball player. I see nothing wrong with working hard and setting yourself a goal. If you DON'T plan on trying your hardest and "working your butt off", you probably won't go too far. But trying hard gives you some chance. I would think that's true of most anything in life. Beyond that, I'm not much more of a help being I don't know much about college and recruiting stuff. Same with your size. I don't know how much that factors in. It may a little bit, but maybe not if you have a lot of talent. I don't know. About current MLB players, I would believe most of them probably had all those factors you mentioned: natural talent, hard work and determination. Some maybe had to work harder than others.

Well I know I wasn't much help. But I know there are lots of knowledgeable people here who can help you. Good Luck!
Last edited by BaseballGr8
Originally posted by BaseballRulz1789:
Right now, I'm an average high school senior outfielder looking to have a breakout year this year. Last year as a Junior I played well, but this year I'm trying to have a breakout season both offensively and defensively. Next year, I hope to walk on at a D3 program and hopefully play.

It is a dream of mine to get drafted in the MLB and as of right now I have absolutely no shot at it as I don't think Im good enough and I'm very small, I'm only 5'11'' and weigh 150. Is there any chance of after hopefully playing four years of college ball and building my body up, by working my butt off, that I could maybe get drafted?

Do current MLB players just have natural talent or did some get their through hard work and determination?

Think about this. If people tell you that you have no shot, will you give up on your dream? Or will you say "to heck with that" and plow ahead anyway. I think the answer to this question will tell you a lot about what you should do.

I have no idea what your chances are, but if you give it your all, even if things don't work out, at least you can look back with no regrets and no "what ifs".
Each day is a new opportunity to work harder...

My view as a parent of a "smaller player" (5'8"-160)...

During the early ages (4-10), it was a blast watching the smiles (& tears) from a kid who loved the game...asking "will he continue to love to play?"

During travel ball (11-14), it was a blast being involved with a kid who loved the game and the people around him, was one of the smallest kids to step into any game, and was "middle of the pack talent" with his team...asking "will he be able to make his high profile high school team?"

During high school, it has been a blast to watch this kid develop a tremendous desire for the game, loving his God and the people around him, grasping hold of the opportunities placed before him (both academic and baseball), and focusing on goals any baseball guy should have...asking "will he be able to play after high school?"

During this senior year, it has been sheer joy watching my son become a man, continue to love others as his God expects, continue to desire to do right, and continue to pursue the point of being able to decide from several different paths (including SEC & ACC recruitment), and becoming a part of one of the finest institutions in the world..."asking "what did we ever do to be able to deserve this?"

Dream On...and remember...

great post. sounds very much like my sons story. And knowing between right and wrong, and doing well in school and working yur hardest, in the end will be more important than how well they do in baseball. And serving God is all you can ever ask for.
I say dream big, go after it with all you have, if you come up short at least you tried.I never disallow our sons dreams.He has accomplished more than people would of given him credit for 4 years ago. and it has been a joy for us to watch the last four years just as daddybo said in his post.
Hilarious dialog on optimism from "Dumb and Dumber."

Lloyd [jim carrey]: What are the chances of a guy like you and a girl like me... ending up together?

Mary [lauren Holly]: Well, that's pretty difficult to say.

Lloyd: Hit me with it! I've come a long way to see you, Mary. The least you can do is level with me. What are my chances?

Mary: Not good.

Lloyd: You mean, not good like one out of a hundred?

Mary: I'd say more like one out of a million.

Lloyd: [very excited] So you're telling me there IS a chance!

BTW: Eckstein's HS team was Florida state champ to boot.
Last edited by micdsguy

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