Hi I have a question for people with better knowledge of this subject.
I am going to HS thru a private prep HS program at home. I have been home schooled for a few years now and It's fine except I can't ply HS baseball. I love baseball and while I played Little League and Junior League I was very good playing the corner infield spots and always batted 1-4 in the order. But now that Im 15 and done with that I would like to continue to play baseball competitivley on into college or pro baseball. So I was wondering is there anyway for me to continue my baseball career without playing for a HS team? Ive heard of summer leagues,academies, IMG etc. So my question is does any of that atract schools or scouts if im not playing in HS? Im 15 and live in Middle Michigan if anyone knows of any programs or travel teams etc that could help me continue playing baseball I would greatly apprecciate it.
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