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This year is the only year I have really been getting any type of email or letters from colleges. I believe it is because I am a freshman and I am trying to go to college for baseball, but lately I have received 2 emails from Coaches of summer and winter camps. My parents are in denial how I got on the list, I have a berecruited,HSBBW,Chechswing, and a few other accounts which may help but I am alittle confused on how they are getting my info. Trust me, Im not worried! I love getting emails from coaches who want me to attend there camps and get exposure, but I just really don't know how I got on a few of these mailing lists. Any help??
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lebanonbb, that is wonderful that you have been getting camp invites. The coaches at those schools could have gotten your info from any number of sources -- some of the online accounts you belong to, your high school coach, your select coach, an online questionaire you have filled out, etc. Also, colleges sometimes get the mailing lists from other baseball camps you have attended. Don't worry about how they got your name and info. Concentrate on these other things instead:

* First, since you're only a freshman, you might want to wait 'til your sophomore and junior years to attend college camps, when you are closer to being recruited. Save your parents some money in the meantime.
* Second, when you do attend those camps, be selective and attend the camps only for schools you are interested in. At this point, there's no way to tell what college level you'll be a good fit for, so target schools of all divisions.
* Right now, your main focus should be to get bigger (through eating right), stronger (via weights, long toss, etc.), and better (through consistent practice, lessons, etc.). That way, when you are of a "recruitable" age, you will be good to go.

Best wishes!
That is great advice above and the only thing I can offer is a slightly different path.

Go ahead and attend one camp right now as a freshman. Reason being is it will help you get an idea of what to expect when you start going to them for real in a couple of years. See the range of talent that players bring to these things. You will see some really great players and some not so great. Find out where you fit in as a freshman to see what kind of skills you need to develop.

Don't pick the biggest and most expensive because it will cost some money later on. Just do one to get your feet wet.
Originally posted by coach2709:
That is great advice above and the only thing I can offer is a slightly different path.

Go ahead and attend one camp right now as a freshman. Reason being is it will help you get an idea of what to expect when you start going to them for real in a couple of years. See the range of talent that players bring to these things. You will see some really great players and some not so great. Find out where you fit in as a freshman to see what kind of skills you need to develop.

Don't pick the biggest and most expensive because it will cost some money later on. Just do one to get your feet wet.

I went to Marshall University's my 7th/8th grade summer and saw some guys around my talent, I think there were 3 seniors there a couple my age and a few sophomores or freshman. I was with the freshman/sophomore classes mainly. At the time(and at pretty much everytime I have played including now) I have had a better glove than a bat. This summer, I joined my traveling team as the 10th batter. With the help from honestly the best coaches I have ever had, I fixed some holes and was batting leadoff all fall. It just shows hard work pays off!
Go ahead and attend one camp right now as a freshman. Reason being is it will help you get an idea of what to expect when you start going to them for real in a couple of years. See the range of talent that players bring to these things. You will see some really great players and some not so great. Find out where you fit in as a freshman to see what kind of skills you need to develop.

Don't pick the biggest and most expensive because it will cost some money later on. Just do one to get your feet wet.

Great advice. Some of the college camps my son attended cost several hundred dollars, but there was a local D1 that charged only $30 for a day-long camp. See if you can find something similar.

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