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In our state (not sure if it still holds true) you are not eligible for state money without the minimum requirement of hours and schools do look for that information for admissions requirments.
If I remember correctly not sure you get your diploma without volunteering.
I think that most college coaches and adnissions offices know that sports take up lots of your time and the amount of time you have volunteered has no bearing on admissions and the recruiting process.
Last edited by TPM
Our son had very little time for volunteerism with a tough academic load, sports, music, work, etc, and what little he did have time for he didn't even put on his college applications as it seemed insignificant in comparison to his other activities.

This did not seem to hurt his admission chances. I second TPM's thought that admissions offices are in tune with the demands of athletics, and I think they are generally not looking for some cookie cutter formula on applications. Volunteerism is great, and as indicated is required in some places. But admissions officers are also good at spotting applications that are padded with activities where there doesn't seem to be a passionate or significant involvement.
lebanonbb --

When my son and daughter were applying to colleges and we were researching the application process, it appeared that kids would typically indicate on the application what their volunteer work was and how many hours a week/month/whatever they worked. Or if it is a one-time event, you could just describe it.

For more information on this, you could look at sites such as and do a search for volunteerism under their "College Discussion" tab, then go to the "College Admissions and Search" forum and search the "College Admissions" sub-forum.

Or, if you do a Google search on volunteerism and college applications, you will find lots of articles such as this:

jj - I think its like most anything else on an application...we can all guess, but I'm not sure we really know? The referral by casey75 to collegeconfidential is a good one. I'd follow up on that one.

My kids have all had some level of requirement to do volunteer work by their high schools. I have found that this is a good thing...but in our kids case all it really served the purpose of was getting them out the door to do it. Once engaged, they all really enjoyed it.

One of the more interesting volunteer works one of my sons did...and it was connected with a specific agency...was to sit outside of a grocery store for a few days with a can collecting cash for the poor. It put him 1-on-1 with the world and my wife and I really felt he gained a lot more from it than the cash he collected for the agency. I'm not sure he'll ever walk by a homeless person again without remembering that experience and feeling empathy for them.

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