My older son has been umpiring youth games for a couple of years now.
Our league uses teen umpires for 4U through 8U. (4u really just is there to tell coaches when the "game" should start and end)
At 10U they pair one of the experienced teen umpires who works the bases, and a badged umpire works the plate.
I've gotten a lot of compliments from coaches and umpires that have worked with him, and from the times I have watched it looks like he does a really good job.
Because he wasn't playing school ball this past year, he was available to work pretty much whenever he was needed. He ended up doing about 40 games in the fall and 70 games this spring. At $20 or $30 a game it adds up pretty quick.
That's one of the big factors for him in deciding if he is going to go back and play for his school this year. He figures it would end up costing him at least $150 a week if he plays. That's a pretty decent chunk of change for a high school kid with all of the costs of senior year.
He also was a ref for the park's soccer program, which runs between baseball seasons. He made $20 a game there, and did something like 90 games. (2 games a night, 4 nights a week and up to 6 games on Saturday) He's going to be taking the certification class for soccer officials next month, and then he can work travel games at $35 each. For $35 a game minimum, I'm strongly considering getting certified myself.
While the money is nice, this spring rec season was pretty rough. For whatever reason, the behavior of coaches and parents has really gotten out of hand in our park lately. There's a difference between fans complaining to the umpires, and fans following umpires out to the parking lot to keep arguing. (Happened more than once)
For those of you that saw the Good Morning America/ESPN/Deadspin video a couple months ago of coaches fighting on the field... well, my son was the base umpire for that game. He had just ejected both coaches for shouting profanities at each other before fists started flying.
For the most part he enjoys umpiring, but it's certainly been an adventure recently.