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If you want to (possibly) giggle, grin and laugh go back to the season previews for your son's conference that are detailed in a few college baseball blogs. Sorry folks I couldn't help myself. Our regular season is over, and we have to wait a few weeks for the NCAA to sort through its seedings. Idleness is the devils workshop.

My wife and I were looking back at the season conference previews, and came to the same conclusion.......who writes these things and how much do they really know about the conference. Truthfully, I trust a college baseball parent to know more about what is going in their conference than I do some of these writers. We had a few weeks to kill, so we were looking to see what prognostications came true. In baseball terms, they are batting below the Mendoza line.

It is understood that some conferences have much better coverage than others, and it is difficult to determine how much of an impact freshmen will have on any ball club. This is certainly the case in my son's conference. The other unknown is injury, and how it effects teams in various ways. Overall, there is a big swing and miss in the last two years of my son's conference previews as the team selected to come in last has actually won it all.

So, go back to your college son's conference previews to see how it is playing out right now. Most conferences are about to have conference playoffs. So the time is right to look back. It may just make you giggle, grin and laugh.

"I'm not a Republican or a Democrat.  I'm a member of the Cocktail Party." - Anonymous

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