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Hello All,

I know that these times may be hard for both players and parents. I am a pitcher from the 2013 class who just went through this hectic and crazy time also. I played for a high level team and traveled the country playing as do most of your sons. Everything started slow, not a high amount of contact and interest. Yet, I held my head high and went out and threw my best every day. In the end it payed off, I committed to a local D2, Felician College, yesterday. I know how hard this process is and I just want to say that it all works out. Maybe your son will walk on, or maybe they will get academic money. Either way this is a game that we are truly blessed to play. never take that for granted, never over look any school/division/conference. Keep the grind going and stay positive. I look forward to keeping in touch with everyone through this journy. These forums have helped me so much and thanks to everyone for the help.

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