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As part of my son’s Christmas present I had his glove re-laced – the entire glove, including reconditioning and replacing the pinky holder which was broken.  They take the entire glove apart.  He has a 3 yo a2000.  OMG he could not have been more excited if I would have bought him a Ferrari.  He thinks it’s the coolest thing ever.  The laces are now a different color so he now has a “custom” glove. 


He had been talking about wanting a new glove.  I hadn’t thought about re-lacing until I saw it offered at a local sporting goods store.  The guy did a great job.  Now he has basically a new glove for $70 rather than the $200-300+ a new one would have cost.


Thought I’d share.  Good option if you hadn’t thought of it before.

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Had 3 of my son's re-laced a couple weeks ago.  Unbelievable difference.  His main glove, an Akadema that's just over 2 years old feels absolutely like new.  The guy who did mine is a D2 assistant.  He explained that the "breakin" time on a new glove is much more breaking in the laces than the leather.  After he relaced mine, I can see feels like a new mitt.  If you're in Ohio, message me for details if you're interested.

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