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It is being widely reported in Bay Area newspapers that A's manager Ken Macha has been fired. Some suggest he has "communication" issues with players. I wonder if that meant he was supposed to tell Houston Street to avoid giving up that missle to Ordonez on Saturday? or forgot to remind Zito to not lose it after 8 batters and give up 10 hits to the next 13.
I know there is a lot of "Billy Ball" admiration and rightly so. But, this season, the A's talent wasn't overwhelming and they went through a lot of injuries. So, from an on the field view, it seems Macha did fine.
On the other hand, some of the information is pretty disturbing, if true. Saying injured players are a "non entity," not speaking to back-up players for long periods, and the like.
One of the things I have been able to see in minor league ball is the importance of a manager in helping players progress and develop...or not. Communication can be one important element.
Some say managing a MLB team is overvalued. One of those is Billy Beane. I think Leyland, Randolph and LaRussa may have convinced Billy that a manager does make a difference over a 162 game schedule. When you see nearly every Tiger interviewed give credit to Leyland, you know he made a difference.
I loved his post game quote after Saturday's game to the effect that when he was a minor league player, he always aspired to be Yogi Berra not Casey Stengel. Maybe that is why he communicates so well..he knows how it feels not to be Yogi.

'You don't have to be a great player to play in the major leagues, you've got to be a good one every day.'

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After the sweep of the Twins, a picture was painted in the local press of one big happy family in the A's clubhouse. Guess that wasn't the case?

I think your points about Leyland and Randolph are good...I am not a LaRussa fan (should have won 3 WS with the A's in the late 80's/early 90's).

Wonder if this has any positive Zito repurcussions?
Wonder if this has any positive Zito repurcussions?

If I recall right, Zito is represented by Boras??? That would suggest to me that improved "communication" won't be the major focus of the negotiations. $$$$$ .
LaRussa is interesting. He lost credibility with me over his McGuire stand. On the other hand, after reading "Three Nights In August," I feel pretty strongly he knows what he is doing on the field and how he "manages" his players. I don't think all of his players would use the same comments as the Tigers did about Leyland.
I loved his post game quote after Saturday's game to the effect that when he was a minor league player, he always aspired to be Yogi Berra not Casey Stengel. Maybe that is why he communicates so well..he knows how it feels not to be Yogi.

I loved that quote also. I am surprised he was fired. The next guy will have it tough if Zito
Does it matter?

I don't think so. The only thing that really matters is production. I remember Troy Aikman saying that the better you played, the better that Jimmie Johnson liked you when they were with the Cowboys - otherwise he was not a nice man to be around. Same goes for Bill Parcels or his disciple Bill Belichick. That appears to be Ken Macha's approach. Produce or he has no use for the player. Is that my approach? No. However, there is a theory out there that no matter what a player does, the coach should always expect more. Somtimes, being a guy's friend is not the best way to get the most out of him.
Didn't Macha almost quit are was let go a couple of year's ago and hired back.

Only one name ( Lou Pinella )??
The A's couldn't afford him.
And the M's would have there feeling's hurt.

But I think it would be a great fit for Lou.
He could win with this bunch of A's, And the up and comer's.
The A's have a great farm system.

Lou's great with the young kid's and will fire them up and chew some ****.

Macha got thrown under the bus this morning by a lot of players. Some of the comments showed real problems.
I thought Zito did not come off well. Saying the manager should have "covered his back" when Zito opted out in the 7th inning of the playoffs in Los Angeles seemed "weak."
But it is clear that if you are going to be together for 162 games and Spring Training, a manager is going to be challenged from a leadership/communication perspective in more ways than he has players.
Also, this is much different than college. If you aren't happy with the head coach in college, you are likely going to grin and bear it. In professional ball, you go to the GM. Even if you go 93-69, the manager is a lot more dispensable than the players.
The players find that out pretty early in their minor league careers from what I am hearing. If you are a role player or other than high draft selection, you are dispensable. As a prior thread seemed to demonstrate about the Durham Bulls, if you are a high round selection, the coaches are dispensable.
They threw Macha under the bus to help with negotiations with Zito? Don't buy it. However, if they thought it would help, it is much easier to replace the manager than a Left-handed starter. I just think too many players complained about him. It was quoted in the press that he was very intolerant about injuries. He really didn't care if you came back or not, because the games go on, and someone else is going to play your position. I hear what he is saying, but players don't want it put to them like that. He did a great job with that team this year, and sometimes managers just don't mesh with certain players or organizations. Do a lousy job in one city and they can't stand you, go somewhere else and win, they will love you forever.

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