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I signed up awhile back to participate in a trosky showcase that is taking place on Sunday (3 days from today) but about 3 weeks ago I sprained my shoulder diving back into first base. Now I still cannot throw even close to as well as I could prior to the injury and can only lob the ball around at the moment. Would it be possible to still go to the showcase and not just not participate in the throwing portion? Or would it be better to just not go at all since I'm not 100%? My arm is probably my weakest tool anyways. Maybe I can touch 80mph from the OF on my best day. 


I'm currently a redshirt Sophomore outfielder at a pre-ranked top 10 Norcal JUCO. If everything keeps it's path it looks like I'll be playing centerfield and batting leadoff on opening day in the spring. I've never been to a showcase before so how important is it that I attend one in the first place? Or does it seem like I should be getting plenty of exposure come spring time?


Thanks for any advice you can give me! 


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Everything I've heard about the Trosky organization is that they are pretty hands-on, helpful and good character.  Talk to them and ask.  I was first going to say no way, don't go, but if your strengths are your bat and your speed, for example, it may still make sense.

Another question that may come into play - is there going to be someone there from a school you have particular interest in? 


On the reassuring side, if you are in position to be starting CF and leadoff for a top California JC, you will have plenty of opportunity to prove yourself for next-level looks come February.

If the event Includes playing any games, best you concentrate on getting healthy before your season starts.  If the event is more of a tryout format with no games or scrimmages and running/hitting won't cause any damage to your shoulder, go show off your skills and skip the throwing all together.


Those that can run and hit always create interest. I just wouldn't take any chances on making the injury worse or even slowing down the recovery time. I would get a doctor's opinion on that.



Do not risk it... if you further the damage you could be out for a longer period of  time and maybe not make spring HS ball... wait it out..

My son had the same situation and he sat out a PG North Carolina show case because of his arm and the Doc / PT did not release him..


**PGStaff this was one of your NC showcase and we miss the one in Ohio too.***

Thanks everyone for the advice! Just wanted to let you that I went to the showcase and played well. Nate Trosky was nothing but accommodating to me. He had no problem with the injury and even went over and told all the coaches that I wouldn't be throwing from the outfield during the live scrimmage. I would definitely recommend still going to a trosky showcase even if you're a little banged up. Nate will do his best to take care of you. 

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