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Be Better Baseball Players

By: Andy Partin
Date: 12.30.04


Back in 2003 I posted an article called "Let's Be Better Baseball Players." So if you'll forgive me I am going to use a similar title for this piece. Much of the same material will be posted here with some new additions.


Alright...Baseball players, let's take a look at some of the things I know we can do to be better on and off the field.

When I'm out watching games it seems every game I go to, there is a college coach or scout there. If they are not there, then some dad in the stands knows a college coach or scout, or may be they know a guy who knows a guys who knows a coach or scout. See what I'm getting at? SO SELL YOURSELF ON THE FIELD!

The fashionable thing to say these days is, "You never know who's watching you." I'm here to tell you players and parents, it is true. Somebody is evaluating you at all times. It may not be a coach or scout, but it is usually somebody who could make an impact on your baseball career.

Players: Take a look at some things scouts and college coaches and the "Baseball Gods" want you to do:

Partin's Tips:

1) Sell yourself on the field. Show college coaches, scouts, your coach, peers and everybody else at the yard what you are all about. Mean business, but have fun. Have a little bounce in your step. Scouts and college coaches love to see a guy excited to be on the diamond, I know I do. Be that dirty-shirt guy who is all over the place. Don't take a pitch off mentally. Commit to excellence.

2) Speak intelligently to your peers. You never know who is listening to the way you conduct yourself. I recall sitting at a game two years ago with two scouts and we saw a player that we all three really liked. After the game that same player was standing near us talking with his buddy. I was sadden to hear about every four letter word in the book come out of his mouth while he was sporting a "J-Lo" sized loop earring. One of the scouts marked a "QM" by his name. Me being a rookie at the time, I asked what that meant. "Questionable Make-up" he said. That is not something you want beside your name, word travels fast in the recruiting/scouting world. Trust me... Don't do anything to make a scout put an "X" by your name.

3) Always run through the bag at firstbase on groundballs. There is always a stop watch on you. This is one of the toughest things to do in the "scouting business" for me because rarely do I see a player run through the bag at firstbase. Nothing looks worse than a guy jogging down the line. Sprint through the bag. Your running time or at least your hustle could be the one thing a college coach or scout likes about you. And may be your running time is the only thing that gets you another visit or "look" from that school.

4) Always sprint on and off the field. I don't mean you have to look like a mad man tearing off the field, but have a little bounce in your step and hustle off the field. I can not stand to see a guy that walks off the field. I HATE to see guys strutting off the field. Stop profiling and get your butt on and off the field like you have a plan and a mission.

5) Infielders & Outfielders: Showcase your arm strength between innings. This really bothers me. I'll be at a game watching a short stop between innings throw. He looks real good, nice hands, all that; the only thing is he is throwing from the infield grass! I'm thinking, what is he doing...Get yourself back in the deepest hole at shortstop and showcase your arm. Not only are you showing everybody your arm but you are increasing your arm strength at the same time. Last time I checked college coaches and scouts like guys with arm strength!

6) Catchers: show us your best POP times to secondbase in between innings. There is no reason why a catcher should not try to throw his best POP time to secondbase between innings. I love to see a guy firing the ball down between innings and he barks "Two!"

Side tip for catchers, call "Two" when throwing to secondbase instead of "coming down." Where are you coming down? Be vocal on the field, your the boss - call "Two!"

7) Pitchers: Be ready to "pitch" before you hit the mound. A lot of pitchers I talk to say they have their most trouble in the first inning. Duuhh! That's because you're not ready to "pitch." Your arm may be loose, but are you ready to "pitch?" This seems to happen even in the Big Leagues. The first inning always seems to give guys trouble. Make sure you are ready to "pitch." Here's an idea - actually work from the stretch some too in the pen! If your change-up doesn't feel right, don't quit at it. Keep throwing it until it feels right, etc, etc, etc.

Work on a pick-off and a pitch-out in the bullpen. Move your catcher around the zone instead of having him sit back right down the middle. How often in the game do you want to throw a ball down the middle? Not many I hope...

8) Hitters: Have a game plan in the batters box. Know the situation when you get in the box. Do your job. If you need to get a runner over, do it! If your job is to get on base, do it any way you can. I see too many guys try to just jerk the ball out of the park when all they have to do is hit the ball the other way to get the runner to third base. Again, know the situation (outs, score, where the runners are, etc.). Know what the pitcher is throwing. Don't be fooled when you get in the box. There is always a different situation when you get in the box. KNOW THAT SITUATION!

Tip during BP: When you are hitting batting practice on the field, it is not a home run contest. Use the whole field, line drives, gap to gap - line to line. Work on situations in BP.

9) Watch the game. I see way too many players not watching the game when they are in the dugout. If you are a hitter and you are not watching the pitcher, you are cheating yourself. How are you going to know what the pitcher is throwing if you are not watching the game? Don't be an idiot...

10) Play for the name on the front of the jersey, not the name on the back. I need to get that line patent...This is "TEAM IMPACT 101." Pull for your teammates! There are a lot of egos in baseball. Try leaving your ego at the gate before you get to the yard and be a team player everyday. Remember, the most important goal is to win. Forget about your personal goals! You always look good when you win!

11) Be passionate about the program you are playing for. Understand the tradition of the team you are playing for. You are representing the team and everybody who has worn that jersey, not just yourself.

12) Respect the Game. Don't make a mockery of the game. This is the greatest game on Earth. This game was hear before you got here, and it will be here when you're gone.

13) Have faith in your coach. Don't second guess your coach. He knows more than you, that's why he is the coach and you are the player.

14) Get along with your teammates and coaches. You want to ruin a season real quick, then get into fights with your peers. You don't have to like everybody, but you need to get along with everybody in order to keep a positive energy within the team.

15) Be a great competitor! Bust your butt on the field. Let it all hang out. Play 100 miles per hour but under control. Be excited to be on the field and play hard everyday!

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