Here's wishing to all of the High School Web members a very prosperous 09! As I've often alluded to, I believe that I'm the most blessed person in the world. Still, 08 was a very hard year for us. It was the first time since is was a very young teen that I wasn't a baseball coach. I found that very hard. I'm constantly thinking the game and now it is a huge waste of time but I can't change. Certainly, I believe I will coach again.
I resigned my position as the head coach at Triad High School to watch my daughter play hs softball. We were very fortunate that she was able to make the varsity. Still, one huge reason I resigned my baseball position was to be there should she get hit by a line drive since she is a pitcher. She was hit in the face twice. What were the odds? (I shared the video on line from a local newspaper of one incident.) Still she finished both games. 08 was the year of the injury for her. I'm very proud of how she competed with her injuries. She suffered torn ligaments and tendons in her wrist. She injured her rotator cuff in her non throwing shoulder. She had a severe bone bruise and at one point the doctors wanted to drill her bone since they thought it was on the verge of splitting. Yet, she played every softball game. She made the school volleyball team and was injured. She never missed one practice or game. Yet, she never played one minute due to the injury. As a parent it is so hard to watch your child play with pain and equally hard knowing that she was making every practice and game knowing that she was never going to enter a game. We always consulted a doctor and trainer and so, she was constantly in the doctor's office or training room. I did want to thank those that asked for updates on her. She finally health again and will play her first tournaments of 09 the second and third weekends of January.
08 was very rough when in October my Wife lost her Dad. He was 82 years old and in great shape. He had so much energy. He went dancing every Friday and Saturday night and was still helping us with hay. He was also one of my biggest supporters and showed up to support my teams as well as his grand daughter's teams. Then, he woke up one Saturday morning and called my Wife telling her he didn't feel well. When she got over to the farm, it was obvious he was in trouble. Long story short, after initial successes, he passed away from an aortic aneurysm. Now, we have an huge estate to settle which is a lot easier to say than do.
Well, I could go on and on with the trials and tribulations of 08. I'm sure we all could with the stock market situation etc. At the risk of sounding like a preacher, Faith is a wonderful thing and it truly shows why there is always hope. For me personally, Faith demonstrates why tomorrow and today are both blessings. I'm looking forward to 09. I pray for the best for all of you.
Take care,
Darrell Butler
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