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Hi guys.

If you have fowllowed my recent posts then you will know how hard i worked this offseason. As many know I was sadly cut from the team. Stinks.

But now the coach offered me a manager spot on the team. Help out with the book during games, and get to be apart of the team for practice. So far im doing it and am really enjoying it. Being with great ball players.

Im going to learn alot more, and hopefully get better.

Do you think that this will help me out next year to mak ethe team? Showing the coach how much I love baseball.

I will also be able to play in a few JV games later on.

Great Oppurtunity... right?

Thanks alot guys!
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Only you can answer that question, but I would jump at that chance. Make sure you get the job done to the best of your ability.

Remember that coaches are just like you and me. There are some people they like more than others. Might as well be one of the ones he likes. Don't be a pest or get in the way. Just do your job, be dependable, act like you enjoy it. Can't hurt and might help!

Remember this... Coaches usually like everyone to begin with and you actually have to give them a reason to dislike you.

Best of luck!
Since you are now at the practices as the team's manager....I wonder if, after practice, one of the players (or maybe even a coach) would throw you a little BP or hit you some infield/outfield?

Could be a good way to continue to improve your skills and to show the coaching staff of your strong desire to get better.

Good luck and keep us posted.

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