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i am making a schedule for working out and hitting off my tee in my backyard. i am 14 years old and want opinions. i have a workout plan already and need help with my hitting. should i do:

25 swings from each high/low/medium from inside/middle/outside of plate. Total Swings = 225 on Tues. and Thurs. and 90 swings doing the same thing but only 10 swings from each position on Mon/wed/fri or switch it around?? or just take 225 swings everyday or something else.

i have found tee work an enjoyment and a good way to get my swing down. thanks for ur opinions
Original Post
T-Work (Work Out)
Stretch real good upper and lower body.
Take about 15 to 20 dry swings.
Start out with 10 swings down the heart thigh high.
5- swings inside thigh high.
5- swings outside thigh high.
5- swings inside knee high.
5- swings outside knee high.
5- swings heart knee high.
Repeat same drill belt high.
Repeat same drill top of strike zone.

Thats a good place to start.
Make sure that you focus on the imaginary pitcher finding the ball as soon as you get in the box. Follow the imaginary pitch all the way to the tee where you pick up the ball on the tee and hit it where its pitched. Dont just look at the ball on the tee and hit it. Follow the pitch all the way to the tee. Set a goal. Try to see if you can hit every (pitch) solid. Try and see if you can hit every pitch without making contact with the tee or very little. You can chart your progress. For instance 7-5 Took 100 swings. 75 clean no contact with the tee. Then work from there. If you have someone that soft toss to you take 100 off the t and 100 soft toss swings. Chart your progress and keep up with how you are progressing. I always tell kids if you can not hit ball after ball off a t clean and solid how do you expect to hit a ball off a pitcher that is actually moving up and down and in and out and changing speeds? Good Luck.

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