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Good to know that Woody is back in the building, I was afraid that his withdrawal from the Elvis experience in Memphis had him feeling down.

Play Baseball, I am in awe of your encyclopedic knowledge of great music. I can sometimes come up with some of the tune, a few words, and never, ever the title or artist. I am a name that tune drop out.
P&CMom-- We all have our special talents, ya know. Some of us can post goofy pictures...and some of us can Name that Tune, obscure as it may be! (Of a particular era, of course!) Not so sure that I can do it in five seconds or less, anymore Frown , but I can do it eventually! Eek

theEH posted the lyrics to "Tracks of My Tears"--but I thought that at least the title of "Tears of a CLOWN" would have been more appropriate for gw4s...Roll Eyes

P&CMom--email coming tonight.
Last edited by play baseball
She's naming my tune all of the time..."Woody Be Nice".
If I get out of line she lets me know...she knows how to use one of these...

I wasn't kidding...she knows!

And she's got good aim too. I guess I wasn't being nice enough on this afternoon...I kept putting deer pellets in her iced tea after she told me "to knock it off". After three or four times with the pellets she revved up the Stihl and dropped this big ol' ash towards me. I got lucky this time...she just missed me. She did manage to kick up a branch which then spanked me in the butt. Ouch! Then she made me drink her iced tea.

Last edited by gotwood4sale
Now that our secret is out, Wood, let's share some of our new duet with 'em:

I Need You

(KRAK's lines)
I wanna drink that shot of whiskey
I wanna smoke that cigarette
I wanna smell that sweet addiction on my breath
I wanna ride across South Korea in the back seat of a Cadillac
You know some cowboys like me go out like that
So I need you
Like a needle needs a vein
Like my uncle Joe in Seoul needs a rain
And I need you
Like a lighthouse on the coast
Like the father and the son need the Holy Ghost
I need you

(WOOD'S Lines)
I wanna get lost in some corner booth, Cantina Chicago
I wanna dance to the static of an AM radio
I wanna wrap the moon around us, lay beside you skin on skin
Make love til the sun comes up, til the sun goes down again
Cause I need you

Like a needle needs a vein
Like your uncle Joe in Seoul needs a rain
I need you
Like a lighthouse on a coast
Like the father and the son need the Holy Ghost
I need you, OOH I need you

I wanna drink that shot of whiskey
I wanna smoke that cigarette
You know some cowboys like me go out like that
So I need you, whoa I need you
I need you I need you I need you, I need you

(Wood) ohhh I need you I need you I need you I need you I need you I need you I need you I need you too oohhhhh ohhhh ohh

[with apologies to Tim and Faith!]
Last edited by Krakatoa
Hey, hey, hey're a little short on those apologies!

I think everyone is owed an apology for this attack on their senses Krak.

If that is not forthcoming then at the very least they should receive a full refund on the mental pictures which were developed.

If, for some reason, you find this tongue-in-cheek peek behind the International Dateline curtain of Krak and Woody appealing or fascinating then I wholeheartedly recommend that you find this DVD.

Or if you're more into the Mountain music than the movie you can get these either of these...take your pick.

Last edited by gotwood4sale

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