As a new resident to Texas, I've notice that the report card isn't asscoiated with a grade.
90 - 100 excellent
80 - 89 good
70 - 79 fair
below 70 failing
How would you figure GPA on that scale?
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quote:Why punish some kids because they happen to live in a district with a large population of kids who would rather study than anything else.
quote:Originally posted by collikar:
but doesn't land in the top 10% due to the number of brilliant minds at the school to begin with. He doesn't get the opportunity to attend UT, even though he's been more challenged and is academically exceptional.
Where's the logic?
quote:Originally posted by Redhead:
Screwball - We are in the same situation. Son actually moved up a couple of spots in the ranking - but about 50 kids have dropped out of his class since May. As a result he has slipped down to the next quartile. Kids at the top of the class don't drop out. It's the ones on the bottom who most likely will not graduate or have just lost interest.
quote:Originally posted by jesuitbaseball:
thanks for shining some light on the rigrorous (sp)courses at jesuit.