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One of mine is from this past summer, when a rival team loaded up with players from all over to try and win a tournament in which my son's team was participating. We had no more than 9 kids on a roster shortened by end-of-summer vacations, and one child who left for the rival team. The other team had 18 or so players. We beat them handily, with great hitting and pitching and superb defense, and a very exciting bases-loaded strikeout to end the game. What a great year, and 2006 is looking even better.
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Thanks, Fastball. It was a great game, not that important in the scheme of things, as we had played many games with more at stake than this one. But satisfying knowing that our nine kids were able to defeat the eighteen member team they played against. Our kids showed a level of confidence and maturity that make you proud as a parent. When you are part of an elite travel program as we are, your team always has a target on it's back (kind of like putting a new member's post in front of TigerPawMom). The better teams are always hoping to get that big win against you to earn respect for their program. What team does my son play on? In a perfect world we would all be able to share our identities and detail our experiences. Unfortunately, there is overwhelming disrespect among some of the members of this service that prevent us from doing so. In trying to temper the obvious discontent of one member here, I have received several threatening private messages. Maybe the guys at PG can conduct an anger management course on this site. And to answer another one of your endless sarcastic remarks, sully, maybe this game was worthy of ESPN coverage. To bad you weren't a part of it. Or WERE you?
I am locking this thread and asking you to re-read CoachB25's earlier thread:

Please pay special attention to the post beginning with "One final appeal to reason. I am again asking fellow posters to refrain from making posts geared toward inflaming fellow posters.".

We are being more strict about the rules in this forum (at least temporarily) because of recent problems. I also want to note that if some members refuse to comply with what CoachB25 asks and the posted Board Manners of this site, I will suspend their posting privileges if necessary.

Thank you,
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