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On March 30 2008 we can put the whole issue of steroids and Clemens and McName and all of this garbage on the back burner.

For this will be the opening day of the 2008 season.

We will see a new generation of players who are clean who step up and become the new heroes to younger players and fans. The tainted older generation of players will be one day closer to retirement.

Baseball has a way of cleaning itself over time by getting newer and better players each year. In about 3 years this scandal will be over and done with.

In 1866, Charles A. Peverelly wrote, "The game of base ball has now become beyond question the leading feature of the outdoor sports of the United States ... It is a game which is peculiarly suited to the American temperament and disposition; ... in short, the pastime suits the people, and the people suit the pastime."

46 days and counting

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. Thomas Jefferson

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Coach - I assume you're joking. It would be great if your premise was true.
Unfortunately, HGH is and will continue to be used for years to come. Might be years before MLB tests for it - by then they'll be years behind the latest drug and masking agents.
This will be a story for years to come. Best thing we can do is just forget about it while watching the games and enjoy it for what it is - the greatest game ever.
Eventually people will just enjoy the game - just like the NFL. Most everybody is aware of what is going on throughout the NFL but long ago have forgotten about it and just love the Sunday action.
One problem, the only way to check with some results for elevated hormone levels (HGH) is by blood testing, which is not in the CBA. There are also no known tests for half the junk out there.

However, awareness levels are at their highest and that is a good thing. The disappearnace of massive bodies is already in progress, and I don't think you will see any players close to 40 pitch faster or hit more bombs than they did in their 20's. True skill will seperate those from the users.
ouch...... tough words os8. I see your point about teams investing at home but at this time fiscal responsibility regarding payroll is running a muck and the R&D is being exported. How can teams invest in a country where they pay players millions& millions to play.

Today we pay Peter and train Jose at his house. In other occupations and professions like doctors, engineers, researcher our education and training is here at our Universities our at home and even though many of the finest are Non-Americans we are actually giving the US applicant "home field advantage". That is #1 in the area of player development IMHO
Last edited by rz1
Well I was just trying to bring a more upbeat and positive outlook towards this problem because the sport we all love is getting ready to start. I am a glass half full guy. I will try to find the best in everything first but I am not going to bury my head in the sand either.

Steroids and HGH will go away if we as fans demand it. We support the new era of guys and demand that MLB is held to a higher standard. Most people don't realize it but we have the power. If they don't / won't change then we stop going to the games, buying the jersey's or whatever else they charge us for.

We have the power and we need to use it.
I don't have the numbers to support it but I think that this crisis is going to affect the South American player much more. It seems that the result of this is going to be more in depth and consistent testing everywhere. I think I at one time I read that the steroid use with the foreign players was rampant because of black market sales and the "no holds barred" desire to make it to the MLB. That I feel will be the partial undoing of the foreign player in tomorrows baseball with the biggest hit being taken on the mound. IMHO
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by fanofgame:

like your half full philosophy. sometimes its nice to not always have to think about all the negative parts to the game.

Thanks fanofgame. I just want to see the game played and enjoyed by everyone. I am sick and tired of seeing double talking politicians, conniving lawyers and egotistical players on TV all the time.

I want to watch the game and see a tailor made 6-4-3 inning killing double play - even if my favorite Cubbies hit into it. I want to see a ball hit into the RF corner and the IF execute a perfect double cut relay to nail the runner by inches going into third.

I don't want to see Clemmons and his lawyer with his weird haricut talking about how they are so virtuous and McNamee is a bum and vice versa.

I get my wish on March 30 2008 and I cannot wait.

and sit in candlestick park as a kid(priceless) and having a hot dog, and its so cold but you dont care your with your dad cuddled up tight(priceless) and willie mays is playing center field and hits one out of the park with the wind factor.nostalgic, like the mastercard commercial.My dad has passed away and he was a man who loved the game of baseball. and you and i and many others are not naive just tired of the circus and want to get back to the love of the game and try to enjoy it. we all want to see it cleaned up, we all want to see our youngsters not taking such horrible stuff, but dep in our hearts we all want to just love the game again and enjoy it .
Originally posted by fanofgame:

and sit in candlestick park as a kid(priceless) and having a hot dog, and its so cold but you dont care your with your dad cuddled up tight(priceless) and willie mays is playing center field and hits one out of the park with the wind factor.nostalgic, like the mastercard commercial.My dad has passed away and he was a man who loved the game of baseball. and you and i and many others are not naive just tired of the circus and want to get back to the love of the game and try to enjoy it. we all want to see it cleaned up, we all want to see our youngsters not taking such horrible stuff, but dep in our hearts we all want to just love the game again and enjoy it .

Amen and you just said what I was feeling beautifully.

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