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Does any know much about Grinnell program in the MWC? I see on the roster that freshman are listed separately, they brought in 14 2014. How is the coaches reputation. Is he one to over recruit only to cut later? Coach has been in contact with 2015 for awhile but more in the way of updates. Asked son to apply. Trying to talk to coach at coach request but has not returned call as of yet
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A recruiting class of 14, in my opinion is not large. That would not be sign of over recruiting. My sons class was only 11 at OWU. It is currently down to 5. Only one of those was cut by the coach, after sophomore year. The rest cut themselves. School, grades and girl friends did most of it. Schools can lose good atletes and ball players for many reaons.
Don't let a recruiting class of that size be a worry.
Look up Grinell and Basketball. If your son enjoys watchinh basketball he should really enjoy Grinells games.

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