And a good day to all....
Coaches, do any of you have grooming standards for your players? I.E. Hair?
This is starting to become a problem for one of my players, (The other I cut after he got hit in the face with a line shot because his hair got caught in his eyes, looking like Sangaya was more important than playing baseball so.....his 0.87 GPA didn't help either)
Since this is a new program I am more focused on making sure kids learn how to play the game.....but I do have one of my players (Kid has never picked up a bat before) who has "80's hair band" locks and it is covering his eyes which makes it hard for him to pick up the ball in the field and at the plate.
I STRONGLY recommended that he cut his hair for his own personal safety and he keeps looking at me rather dumbfounded.
The previous week he said the team caps were pushing the hair into his eyes (I make all the kids wear their caps to practice to get used to wearing them under game conditions). I told him wear his cap or enjoy time on the bench, he forgot his hat again and I benched him for the 1st game for not following the policy.
I keep in mind that these are 9th graders in a small school and the kids are still learning the game but this is High School and I really dont think the young man "gets it". The rest of the kids have their hair cut short, or it is manageable.
The AD agrees with me, and I want to address the issue with his mother, for the most part it is a SAFETY issue and the kids dont want to throw the ball with any "english" on it to 1st because they dont want to hurt him. (He is a 1st Baseman who is very limited defensively as all of my 1st Basemen are)
So in short, should I write out a grooming policy for my team for next season? 90% of the team will probably be in my class next school year and I dont want the other teachers to think I am imposing my classroom standards on my athletes. (Granted, the parents are all for it!)
Any thoughts, suggestions?
Do you have grooming standards for your players?
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