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2009 Fall Showcase Schedule
8/15 Tryout 1@ SNHU 11:00 am- 1:00 pm
8/16 Tryout 2 @NHTI in Concord 12:00 pm- 2:00 pm
8/22 Tryout 3 @Holman Stadium- Nashua, NH 12:00pm-2:00pm
8/23 Tryout 4 @ Woodman Park – Dover, NH 12:00pm-2:00pm

8/29 Week 1 – Keene State College
9/5 Week 2- Harvard University
9/12 Week 3- Southern Vermont College
9/19 Week 4 –Colby-Sawyer College
9/26 Week 5- SNHU
10/3 Week 6- USM
10/10 Week 7 URI

Columbus Day
10/13 New Hampshire vs. Maine @SNHU (Showcase Players Eligible to make NH roster)

10/17 Week 8 Franklin Pierce University

10/24 New Hampshire Fall Classic
++Championship Tournament
Hosted by St. Anselm College
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I would ask anyone who hasn't gotten in their registration form to either bring it to tryouts and come a bit early to get registered or contact via email. this way we don't get any forms that don't get to us in time due to the mail process.

Also any questions that are not address on the website you can ask either here on the forum or email at

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