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I was in a bar last night in Dallas when guess who walked by?

Jose Canseco biglaugh

Wonder if he was in town having dinner with Palmero? (He still lives here in town)

He had a couple of "Entertainers" on his arms.

Quick side story, I partied with "Joe" as he went by then back in the 90's at the Baja Beach Club when he played for the Rangers one night. He was a very down to earth dude.

Last night, he was nothing short of a jerk.

But, he is a big dude.
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Canseco had tools regardless of the steroids. He used them I believe because he was not satisfied with being a good ML player he wanted to be great. There is no denying the tools that these guys have. Having said that though I have a hard time seeing past the steroid issue when thinking about them. Would Bonds have been a steady 15 year pro and an All Star without steroids. Yes I believe he would have been. Would he be breaking HR records and be considered one of the greatest of all time without them. NO I dont believe he would be. That taints the game. That taints the record books. That is a slap in the face of everyone that he has and will surpass. How do you feel the Maris family is feeling right about now? If you were Rogers son how would you feel about McGuire? I would feel that my father got cheated. Heck I feel cheated because we will never really know for sure now will we?
Coach May

Not to take anything away from Maris and his 61 dingers but in his entire career that was the the only time he hit over 39. In 1960 the year before he hit 61 he had 39 and in 1962 he had 33.
The highest amount other than those three years was 26 in 1964- and this was in a 13 year career

Were all the bats in the Yankee order that year the reason for his success?

Or was it one of those "career" years?

Numbers can be interesting can't they and lead to provocative thoughts
I believe that it was the case. It really does make what Bonds has done so amazing. He has put up those kind of numbers with the guys he has had around him. I really wonder what if he had never juiced and just worked out really hard like he does. I wonder how different the numbers would have really been? We might be surprised. They might have been pretty close to what they are. Then again we will never really know.
Originally posted by KellerDad:
I was in a bar last night in Dallas when guess who walked by?

Jose Canseco

Wonder if he was in town having dinner with Palmero? (He still lives here in town)

He had a couple of "Entertainers" on his arms.

Quick side story, I partied with "Joe" as he went by then back in the 90's at the Baja Beach Club when he played for the Rangers one night. He was a very down to earth dude.

Last night, he was nothing short of a jerk.

But, he is a big dude.

From what i've heard being on the juice will make the so called "Entertainers laugh at other parts of your manhood.... worm
Give me a break. Bonds admitted using steroids. You can believe his claims of not knowing he was using them or not, but Bonds himself has admitted to using steroids. It is not all supposition. I'm sorry, but your continued support of this position in the face of facts and overwhelming circumstantial evidence along with the fact that Bonds has proven himself to be dishonest in his personal life is rather troubling.

Well said.

TR is certainly entitled to his opinion no matter how short sighted it may be. However he shouldn’t be surprised to hear from the vast majority of us who don’t believe Barry when he says he didn’t know what the “stuff” he was putting on his body was.

As far as Tr not caring what a players personal life is because it’s not part of baseball, I believe is also short-sighted thinking. When a player’s personal life becomes a distraction, an embarrassment to his team or baseball, or presents a poor example to the youth, I would hope it would concern a lot of us.

Shortsighted maybe by your thinking---

Personally I could give a hoot and a holler what athletes do with their private life--

SBK I am also happy to know you can make determinations regarding some one you dont even have an inking of knowledge about me-- I would never try to judge you- that might be too shortsighted
TR, Don't you think it's pretty normal for people to make judgments about others based on what they see people do, what they hear people say or what they read people write or perhaps from what other people say or write about the person in question.

You write that, “Personally I could give a hoot and a holler what athletes do with their private life”. I’m making a judgment that you are allowing your affection for Barry to once again, cloud your otherwise reasonable judgment and you really didn’t mean what you wrote.

I say this because I would find it hard to believe that if one of your athletes were abusing drugs or alcohol, that you wouldn’t be concerned for their welfare. I would hope that you would give a “Hoot and a holler” if one of your athletes were performing great on the field but not in the classroom, for example.
Talk about shortsighted

My players are under my responsibility-- And I do watch what they do and they know our team rules.

I have no "affection" as you term for Barry Bonds-- It is none of my business what he does with his body or his personal life.

And perhaps if you are making judgements on what you read and hear perhaps you might want to think about making judgements

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