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Some on this site don't care for non-baseball related posts.......but here it is anyway.

Last weekend my daughters waterski team who in August won the National Waterski Show Tournament combined with 3 other WI teams and built a world record pyramid that was recognized by Guiness. Evinrude motors sponsored and filmed the event that will be part of an upcomming infomercial.

Some stats........

48 brave souls
About 7000 lbs of people
Almost 8000 feet of tow rope
One boat with (3) 225 hp evinrude outboards
30 MPH
57 degree water temp
63 degree air temp
8 attempts in 4.5 hours
Pyramid set up in under 30 seconds.

My twin daughters are on the pyramid second from the left. When this pic was taken the team on the far left had just collided with the Madison team so the girls from the Madison team are in the process of moving over one guy right on the "fly" for more stability.

None of them have been SPARQ tested but I think there is still some athletic ability

Here is a link to the boat used and the complete cast of characters
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When this pic was taken the team on the far left had just collided with the Madison team so the girls from the Madison team are in the process of moving over one guy right on the "fly" for more stability.

You can see them sort of shuffling over to the left. Probably a good reason they put Mad City next to the hackers. Smile
Last edited by Dad04
Those two blondes in white look like twins.

That be them.
In this pyramid the Madison team had the youngest group of girls ranging from my 17 year olds down to the 9 year old at the top. Most teams better skiers are college age. They practice and work out year round. Besides skiing, the 1 hour shows have a theme that consists of song and dance routines after the acts come in from the lake, and they rock. The 2 day National Tournament which will re-run on the OLN network this winter had a crowd of about 6000. Besides Jumps, barefoot, and pyramids, A couple of the other acts are.

Ballet Line

Swivel Line

Combo line

If the guys from baseball teams knew there were tournaments going on other than the ones at the ballfield I'll bet many of them would be at these shows.
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by FrankF:
First Ryan and now the twins! Mom must have some pretty good genes!! Wink

Mom and the kids are genetically stubborn to the n'th degree and you never say "can't" to their face about anything without the risk of being shown up somewhere down the road.

I'm the sensitive one angel

Last edited by rz1
Fun Fact: Believe it or not WI has more waterski teams than any other State.

My daughters will be 18 on Sat and I'm sure will go to a school that has a collegient ski team.

Sea World and teams like that are professionals in so much they get paid to perform. These kids/adults are amateurs who do it for the love of the sport. They all go to school and/or have jobs. Practice is 2-3 hr a night 3x a week (May-Sept) with two shows a week. They also do "land" practice a few times a month in the winter.

The other two evenings they do instructional sessions and even have a program that skis with mentally and physically disabled kids which is just amazing. You will never see more electricity in the air than on those nights. Without getting too deep, anyone familiar will know that being in water or even flying is an environment that puts your soul on a different plane. As human beings that is not where we belong. When these disabled kids come back to shore there is a look of peace, strength, or something in their eye that if even for a few minutes, they were removed from the problems they deal with daily. I don't or will ever understand but I get chills thinking about it.

My son followed the conventional baseball route with "coach rz", the girls stepped outside the box and went here on their own. Until the summer going into their Freshman year in HS they had never skied or even swam in a "yucky" lake. 3 years later they can jump, barefoot, swivel, and are part of 5 acts on a National Championship team, and I don't even own a boat.

My initial point hear was to boast a little but also add a thread during some "quiet" HSBBW time outside baseball which we sometimes find our world revolving around. As a couple of responses to this ski thread came through I realized that the point that we all make on this site that talent may be natural, but hard work, and perseverance, is the key to success to anything our kids do. As parents our jobs is to provide opportunities, and it's up to the kids to take advantage of those opportunities but it has to be on their terms. I feel sometimes we lose touch of that level of parental responsibility and live our lives within the dreams we want our kids pursue.

My wife was always concerned that I was not as involved with my daughters outside activities. However, I always told them that I would be just as involved if they wanted to be committed to an activity. Their response was "and not have any life except baseball like Ryan". This thread has made me realize that I am living proof that mom/dad do not have to push and prod in order to have their kid realize a dream, they can just sit back, provide the opportunities, and enjoy the ride. But, I constantly ask them now if they have any life outside skiing Big Grin

As rz1 steps off his soapbox.
Last edited by rz1
Originally posted by rz1:
My initial point hear was to boast a little ....

rz - You can "boast" till the sun goes down for all I care! I really enjoy coming here to hear the success stories whether they're on or off the field (or in a lake in your case) of the many nice posters on the HSBBW.

I'm as guilty as the next guy of getting excited and sharing stories. So I can appreciate it when somebody else is truly excited about their child/children.
That is so cool. it as cool as stuffing 19 high school students into a VW Bug in 1976? Yes, our Analytical Geometry teacher somehow worked that into an outdoor lesson so we could do it. Unfortunately, we could not get a photographer from the local paper to come out and document it. I have pictures though. My arm is visible in the back left window driver's side. My college roommates was one of 3 people stuffed in the cubby hole behind the back seat. Plus, she was smiling in the picture!!
Originally posted by Redhead:
Do they dump the skis.

The girls start out sitting on the guys shoulder from a barge. Everyone has 100+ feet of rope coiled in their hand, the boat takes off the and when they come to "the end of their rope" they are jerked up. Unless the "pull" is perfect it can be rather violent and as they say "the ski team is now a swim team" Big Grin

There is some power behind the boat which in this trick will be almost be pointing straight up in the air before he brings it down.

This is actually the less powerful 2005 boat

Without commenting anymore about skiing on this site, there are some great photo galleries at:

Mad City Ski Team
Last edited by rz1

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