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A wonderful day day for baseball!

Two of the games greatest ambassadors going in at the same time.

Whenever I channel surfed and saw either of them at the plate I had to stop and watch. Two of my alltime favorites.

On a side note, I purchased Ripken instructional DVD's and found them well done. My wife watched them and commented on how easy they were to comprehend.
Agreed on the players that deserve it, but do we really know WHO used steroids and HGH during this time. I know we think we do, but before we exclude some and include others, realize that there are guys out there that have/are using that would surprise us.

Remember, Palmiero didn't have the "look" of a user, but he still tested +.
From The Sun-Times:

Area columnist's ballot draws a blank

January 9, 2007
Unanimous picks and the Baseball Hall of Fame don't go together. Whether it was Babe Ruth, Lou Gehrig, Willie Mays or Henry Aaron, no player has been named on every ballot.

Tony Gwynn and Cal Ripken Jr. were expected to challenge that streak today, but at least one ballot won't list either star's name. Columnist Paul Ladewski of the suburban Daily Southtown, a member of the Sun-Times News Group, wrote Monday that he submitted a blank ballot for this year's election. Only 10-year members of the Baseball Writers' Association of America are eligible to cast ballots.

Ladewski wrote that his empty ballot wasn't an indictment of Gwynn or Ripken, but a reflection of his doubts about players from baseball's Steroid Era.

''At this point, I don't have nearly enough information to make a value judgment of this magnitude,'' Ladewski wrote. ''This isn't to suggest that Gwynn or Ripken or the majority of the other eligible candidates padded his statistics with performance-enhancers and cheated the game, their predecessors and the fans in the process.

''But tell me, except for the players themselves, who can say what they put into their bodies over the years with any degree of certainty?''

Chris De Luca

Thats one person who didn't....I also heard of another one who figured since Ruth didn't get voted unanimously (sp?) he refuses to vote for anyone thier first time
Congratulaions to two of the classiest people to ever wear a uniform! Ripken and Gwynn each characterize what it is that makes baseball such a great sport.

Now, for the idiot writer who submitted a blank ballot, maybe there should be some adjustments as to who can and can't vote among the baseball writers. There are times when it is appropriate to use the term "moron" in describing someone, but I'm not sure it would do this dipstick justice. He questioned the character and integrity of two of the most idolized and cherished baseball greats of all-time. These two were no-brainer first ballot choices, so maybe he isn't really qualified to ever cast another ballot.
Awesome to see such a low vote total for McGwire.

Now, just need to get the double asterisk put next to big mac's records... Glad the voters had the good sense to leave him out.

Interesting perspectives, for a guy that hasn't tested positive for anything illegal, and hasn't admitted to doing anything illegal. The only problem McGwire had was that he happened to be subpoenaed to appear before the Investigative Committee, while guys like Bonds, ARod, Piazza, Clemens, Pudge, David Ortiz, and hundreds of other guys weren't.

I'm not saying McGwire is innocent...and I'm not saying that he should be a first ballot HOF'er. His numbers are as good or better than other 1st basemen in the HOF.

Before people hammer on McGwire too much, keep in mind that there are a bunch of positive steroid tests that may be released and made public...and who knows what big names are on those tests.

Due to the lack of enforcement in the past, and the ridiculously weak testing that doesn't show Human Growth Hormone, this argument will be repeated a lot in the future.
Wouldn't the "proverbial asterisk" solve the issue?

With the $$ in the game these days, isn't it a question of who didn't? Pitchers included!!

It's a shame.

Hammerin Hank dealt with racism, pre-expansion, meaning the better pitchers of the day, the ghost of the Babe, etc.

Baseball should be measured in era's, not an infinite timeline. Would Ruth be as good today on beer and hotdogs versus Andro?

Anyone ask Aaron how he feels about Bonds?

Anyone ask the Maris family how they feel today about MAC?

Who made sportswriters, and all of us Judges? Kinnesaw Mountain Landis...........

What about shoeless JJ?

You still have to deliver the sweetspot to the ball, size 9 hat, or size 7 and 1/2 hat..........its not our call!!
First of all congrats to T Gwynn and Cal. They are both deserving. My kid was at Tony's press conference and said it was an experience to share. At the time of the Father question, t- man was getting a bit choked up, and the team piped in with cheers to ease the moment. He has told me Tony is a truely awesome person. Not only does he know how to coach but really does care about his players.
Tony did say Big Mac deserves to be in as well as Goose.
Maybe I getting Grumpy in my old age, but so many are on witch hunts.
How soon we forget big mac put this game back on track with the public. Mark was big when he was young I know we(G.H.S) played against him( Damien). The guy hit home runs when he was young and when he was old, period. I don't know what is with some , maybe they were cut from their team or never made it to the team but it was not Mac's fault. As I have read Steroids were not even banned until 2002 in MLB. He has admitted to Andro and maybe he is telling the truth. As much as some here want government control, people are still innocent until proven guilty.

Congrats to Tony and Cal,good luck in the future to Mac and the rest who are flirting with the hall.
Last edited by Lclcoach

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