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You might also try a PM to bballmomssr, whose son is a freshman there now. Since he left high school, haven't seen this poster around here any more, but a PM might reach her.

We also have a former teammate who is a freshman there. If you would like, you can PM me your contact info and I'll pass it along to the player via his family.
I have known Coach Kinne since he was an assistant at Mary Washington.

He not only is a fine gentleman but he is also an excellent baseball man as shown by his record at HS.

I am not that familiar with the academics and the school atmosphere other than it is a smallish school and has a good reputation
Last edited by TRhit
Thanks to everyone who got back to me, your input was very helpful. My son was under a lot of pressure from the in-laws to attend Dickinson, but he was steadfast about HSC. It is the perfect place for him academically, socially, and politically (he's a bit of a conservative). He picked it even though he was guaranteed to play at Dickinson, but at HSC he's taking his chances. I think he'll be fine. To anyone familiar with the baseball kids at HSC, young Mr. Z. H., the freshman 1st baseman, is a great spokesman for the school. I had the chance to talk with him for a long time and if he's representative of the rest of the kids there, we have made a great choice! Go Tigers!

Special note to Shortstopmom . . . my son's name is Dwight . . . I began cheering for for Mighty Dwighty when he was a little boy, now when he comes up to bat, everyone cheers for Mighty Dwighty! That's where MightyMom came from!
Congrats to your son, MightyMom. I hope he is happy at HSC. My baseball playing son just finished his sophomore year there. He has made some wonderful friends. Lots of talent graduating this year, so there will be plenty of opportunities for hard-working freshman next year. And Coach Kinne has demonstrated a willingess to let freshman play.

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