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Any help would be most appreciated.  Son was hit in throwing hand with foul ball last Wed night.  X-Rays negative so nothing broken.  Still hurts like crazy and he is dying to play as our summer ball ends this Sunday.  He hopes to get back by Friday.  Just wondering if there were any miracle cures out there for an injury like this that some of you might be aware of.  He can now throw (with pain though) but still can't swing a bat.  Any help would be appreciated.  He is 18 and leaving for college to play in a month so we don't want to risk further injury, but he would like to try to play the final 5 games this weekend if possible. 

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Originally Posted by gametimer:

Any help would be most appreciated.  Son was hit in throwing hand with foul ball last Wed night.  X-Rays negative so nothing broken.  Still hurts like crazy and he is dying to play as our summer ball ends this Sunday.  He hopes to get back by Friday.  Just wondering if there were any miracle cures out there for an injury like this that some of you might be aware of.  He can now throw (with pain though) but still can't swing a bat.  Any help would be appreciated.  He is 18 and leaving for college to play in a month so we don't want to risk further injury, but he would like to try to play the final 5 games this weekend if possible. 

I am sure that you know the right answer. DON'T PLAY! Also, xrays don't always show a break. If still hurts like crazy I would suggest an MRI.

there are no miracle cures.  Is it / was it swollen?  Did you try to reduce the swelling using ice?  Is it discolored?  If it's swollen and the pain is general (somewhat difuse) then it might be fine but needs for time to heal.  If it's not swollen and/or you have acute/localized pain then I would go to doctor - preferably a sports medicine person.  Is strength or range of motion impared? If so, seek medical care.  In any case, 5 days on your son should be experiencing relief,  seeking medical help isn't a bad idea.  My son frequently gets hand, arm, and leg contusions playing football and ice, elevation, ibruprofen, protection and edema taping (kineso tape cut for handling edema's) works well for him.  My son has needed medical care in the past (for some higher grade contusions/sprains) and his doctor's helped educate me in what to look for in him and how to treat some of his milder injuries.  YMMV, no reason to let pain last - get it looked at.

I agree with above.  No quick cure.  Just ice, anti-inflammatories and rest.  With college season coming up, no reason to chance it.  I will say, for a broken bone, X-rays are the best.  MRIs pick up soft tissue, X-rays pick up bone.  If you think there is ligament or muscle damage, get an MRI.  If you think it is broken, go with the X-rays.  I will agree with picked off though in that just because X-rays were negative, doesn't necessarily mean it isn't broken.  Could be broken in a tough angle for the X-ray to see.  Or maybe the doctor just didn't look close enough.  If you have doubts, get a second opinion.  Let the new doctor look at the X-rays already taken.  Maybe he will pick up something the other doctor didn't see, or maybe he'll want to take them from a different angle.


Either way, if it still hurts, back off.  Not worth risking college ball in the fall.  Good luck.

Let me get this straight. You want a miracle cure (no such thing) that will risk your son's health heading into college ball so he can jam five games into a last weekend? Is he playing for a national championship? 


I have a deal with my doctor. He doesn't coach baseball and I don't give medical advice that could put players at risk of further injury. disrespect, but you read a lot into a post that I'm pretty sure I never said.  I would never risk mine or any other kid's long term health for a baseball game.  Not sure where you are coming from, but give me a break.  All I'm trying to avoid is my son saying that he feels great by Friday (you know how catchers are) so he can go play with a bunch of guys that he really enjoys playing with for the final time before they all head off to college.  I've made an appointment with an orthopedic and if he says don't play, then he'll listen to the doc and not play.  Good grief.  Don't read so much into a post and assume things. 


All I was looking for is maybe a past catcher had had a similar deal and did something that helped the pain go away faster.  I would never condone a kid playing through an injury unless something important was on the line like a college world series or something. 


Coach has been great and hasn't pushed him at all.  Parents aren't pushing him at all.  Only one pushing is the kid who loves to play the game and this is last time to do it before it starts counting again.  Tell me you kind of understand. 


For other background and to answer some other questions.  He pulled himself out of the game immediately which clued us in that something wasn't right.  I think this has happened exactly 0 times in the past.  It was pretty swollen and red so we took him straight to ER to get x-rays that were negative.  He has iced and done ibuprophen and soaked in Epsom salt.  Other than that, we weren't sure if there were any miracle cures that could speed process up.  Like I said, we'll get an ortho to look at it and see what he thinks.  Thanks for the insight.  This website is the best place ever to get advice.  Appreciate everyone taking the time to reply. 

Originally Posted by gametimer:

Any help would be most appreciated.  Son was hit in throwing hand with foul ball last Wed night.  X-Rays negative so nothing broken.  Still hurts like crazy and he is dying to play as our summer ball ends this Sunday.  He hopes to get back by Friday.  Just wondering if there were any miracle cures out there for an injury like this that some of you might be aware of.  He can now throw (with pain though) but still can't swing a bat.  Any help would be appreciated.  He is 18 and leaving for college to play in a month so we don't want to risk further injury, but he would like to try to play the final 5 games this weekend if possible. 

Here's another way to look at it, if your son played professional ball he would be on the DL and receiving rehab from his trainer with advice from the doctor (why hasn't he seen one) depending on the outcome per xray or MRI.

Sometimes it takes a very long time for even the simplest things to heal.

I agree with picked off, surely you must know the answer to the question!


Do your due diligence and take your son to an ortho.

Originally Posted by gametimer:

Any help would be most appreciated.  Son was hit in throwing hand with foul ball last Wed night.  X-Rays negative so nothing broken.  Still hurts like crazy and he is dying to play as our summer ball ends this Sunday.  He hopes to get back by Friday.  Just wondering if there were any miracle cures out there for an injury like this that some of you might be aware of.  He can now throw (with pain though) but still can't swing a bat.  Any help would be appreciated.  He is 18 and leaving for college to play in a month so we don't want to risk further injury, but he would like to try to play the final 5 games this weekend if possible. 


I'd consult an orthopedic physician.  If possible, have him check the X-Rays - as noted sometimes X-Rays are misread or a minor break is not caught.  I know when I hurt my back 10 years ago the ER doc didn't notice anything odd, but the sharp eye of my chiropractor pointed out the compressed discs I had. Maybe an MRI to be sure?


Trust me when I say I feel your pain.  Last year my son was playing Legion ball prior to reporting for college (signed a NLI two months prior).  He was playing catcher in the final regular season game with the playoffs to start a few days later.  Late in the game pitcher uncorks a wild pitch (runner on 3rd).  Son retrieves the ball, pitcher not in position to cover home, runner coming hard, son dives to make the tag as the runner slides in, gets his throwing hand cleated (had it wrapped around the glove holding the ball in) - blood everywhere.   Run to the ER - 12 stitches - 6 in the forefinger and 6 more in the thumb - almost sliced a tendon.  Playoffs out of the question for Legion, but he did heal in time for college fall season.


And for those wondering - yes, he made the out on the play.......

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