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Hey I was wondering about people that have to get surgery on their hand... if someone has to get surgery, are they ever back at full 100% strength? I have to get it now and will be out of hitting for about 3-4 months, but when I get back, will I ever be able to hit the same?
Thanks in advance

O yea.. a little background...

It started in february when I was hitting in the cages with my coach and on a swing my hand somehow "jerked" or something and couldnt swing at all. A week or two later, we went to a doctor who told me to rest it for 3 weeks. I did that, but there was still a problem. I then went to a "sports medicine clinic" where a highly regarded doctor had me get an MRI. He told me I just had a bone bruise and that I could immediatetly hit again and that i was fine. Well, I came back and it still hurt. Then I went to a hand surgeon, got a MRI again, and it turned out that it was broken all along. But since it originally happened 5 months ago, the bone will not heal because of scar tissue that grew in the middle. So now the only option is suregery.

Sorry for the long post but will I ever be the same again?
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My son went through a similar trial. Went to many doctors, X-rays, etc... before someone finally found the broken bone in his hand. Turns out he played for a full year w/ broken hand.

After surgery he is completely healed and playing in college. Follow doctor advice about rehab and be diligent in following rehab exercises. With a good surgeon you should recover to 100%.
JC Son went thru same problem, pain when turning wrist as with swing of bat. He could use his glove, catch the ball, without pain but not swing a bat. Went to two doctors who suggested rest and even cast it for 4 weeks. Finally went to hand specialist and with a CT Scan, found the Hook of Hamate was broken. Surgery Nov. 1. Followed rehab direstions. Was playing by 1st of March. Came back 100%
Shortstop - my son broke his radius (at the wrist) and the only thing I can tell you is make sure that when you look for a physical therapist you find a CHT (Certified Hand Therapist). My son left a week after his surgery to return to college, and the therapist he saw at home right after surgery told him it was imperative that he find a CHT near school, and not rely on an athletic trainer, etc! He couldn't stress the importance enough. My son is a pitcher, it was his pitching wrist, and he has returned to just where he left off. Actually was pitching a couple innings in a game 9 weeks after the surgery.

Good luck!!

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